Death of Mr. Gilles Gaouette, Mr. Rayden Anichinapeo-Pien and Mrs. Pasha Ekoomiak

Death of Mr. Gilles Gaouette, Mr. Rayden Anichinapeo-Pien and Mrs. Pasha Ekoomiak
Death of Mr. Gilles Gaouette, Mr. Rayden Anichinapeo-Pien and Mrs. Pasha Ekoomiak

QUÉBEC, July 2, 2024 /CNW/ – The Coroner’s Office is advising the public of the holding of public hearings into the deaths of Mr. Gilles Gaouetteoccurring on or around December 11, 2022, of Mr. Rayden Anichinapeo-Pienoccurring on or around December 29 2022, et by Mme Pasha Ekoomiak, which occurred on or around February 8, 2023. These deaths all occurred shortly after these users received care at the Hospital of Val-d’Or. It’s the coroner M.e Stéphanie Gamache, who has been appointed to chair this investigation. She will be assisted by Ms.e Eric Lépine, public inquiry prosecutor.

The hearings will take place from November 4 to 8, from November 25 to 29 and from December 2 to 6, 2024 at the courthouse in Val-d’Or (room 160) located at 900, 7e Street at Val-d’OrThey will allow any person of interest to express themselves concerning the circumstances of these deaths in order to analyze all the contributing factors, with a view to proposing avenues for solutions for better protection of human life.

For those wishing to obtain interested person status, please submit a written request setting out the reasons to the coroner before 1is August 2024. For further information and for the transmission of requests, please contact the prosecutor, Mr.e Eric Lépine, by email at the address [email protected].

In order to preserve the independence and impartiality of the process, the Coroner’s Office will not make any additional comments about the investigation. Details of the investigation’s progress will be published at a later date and can be found in the Public Inquiry Calendar section of the Coroner’s Office website at

Source :
Jake Lamotta Garnet
Communications and Media Relations Manager
1 888 CORONER, post 20225
Cell: 418 906-8097
[email protected]

SOURCE Coroner’s Office



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