Weather could be a problem in Switzerland

Heavy rainfall and thunderstorms: the flood situation in Switzerland and Germany is currently tense.Image: keystone

This start of summer is marked by high temperatures and violent storms, which are expected to persist. And the mixture of humidity and heat is not a good sign.

Summer temperatures are making themselves felt, but storms and sometimes violent rainfall are disrupting the summer euphoria. This should continue in the coming days.. Indeed, temperatures are expected to remain high at least this weekend, as MeteoNews indicates in a press release.

Due to an upper-level depression, the weather conditions are unstable in Switzerland. At the end of the week, a disturbance zone will hit us with showers and thunderstorms; then, from Sunday, heavy precipitation and cooler weather are expected again.

The situation therefore remains tense, particularly with regard to flooding. According to the Federal Office for the Environment. The risk of flooding is high around the already busy Lake Constance. Note that a moderate danger exists for all watercourses in western Switzerland, the Jura area and along the Northern Alps.

But another risk looms.

Humid air + heat = problems

High humidity and rising temperatures make us sweat. In fact, dry heat is much easier to tolerate than humid heat. The reason is that increased humidity reduces the effectiveness of sweating.

The body is therefore less cooled and the sensation of heat intensifies. If temperatures continue to rise, it could lead to serious problems. Indeed, from a certain threshold, the body can no longer cool itself sufficiently and the risk of heat stroke increases.

When we can no longer sweat, the body experiences problems.Image: shutterstock

When does it become unpleasant?

Weather is considered humid based on the dew point. The dew point is expressed in degrees and describes the point at which the temperature would have to cool for moisture in the air to condense. High humidity and high temperatures cause the dew point to rise.

Surveys have shown that from a dew point of 16 degrees, people consider temperatures to be muggy or stifling. This weekend, the dew point is expected to reach 22 degrees in places, particularly north of the Alps. (leo)

The news in Switzerland is here

Translated and adapted by Tanja Maeder

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