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Legislative elections 2024: candidates from Val-de-Marne elected for the second round

Legislative elections 2024: candidates from Val-de-Marne elected for the second round
Legislative elections 2024: candidates from Val-de-Marne elected for the second round

The names of the deputies elected for the second round of legislative elections in the 11 constituencies of Val-de-Marne are now known. With a participation rate of xxx%for this first round, voters voted in favor of xxxx.

The deputies in the second round in each constituency of Val-de-Marne

1time constituency (Bonneuil-sur-Marne, Champigny-sur-Marne West, Créteil North and) Saint-Maur-des-Fossés :

  • Lyes Louffs (New Popular Front): 31.71% (qualified T2)
  • Sylvain Berrios (The Republicans): 30.21% (qualified T2)
  • Anne-Gaëlle Sabourin (National Rally): 18.26% (qualified T2)
  • Frédéric Descrozaille (Together for the Republic): 17.86% (qualified T2)
  • Ludovic Morel (Reconquest): 1.10%
  • Valérie de Pierrepont: 0.87%
  • Hélène Cavat: 0%

2e constituency (Choisy-le-Roi, Créteil West and South, Orly) :

  • Clemence Guette (New Popular Front): 55.68% (Elected)
  • Antoine Ghaye (National Rally): 18.31%
  • Mehmet Ceylan (Together for the Republic): 15.96%
  • Michel Sasportas (Les Républicains): 3.82%
  • Patricia Foffé : 3,22 %
  • Sabrina Pruvot : 1.29 %
  • Gérard Cruzille (Reconquest): 0.93%
  • Manon Haller (PRCF) : 0,78 %
  • Clémence Boutarin (New Anticapitalist Party): 0%

3e constituency (Boissy-Saint-Léger, Valenton, Villecresnes, Villeneuve-le-Roi, Villeneuve-Saint-Georges) :

  • Louis Boyard (New Popular Front): 42.17 (qualified T2)
  • Arnaud Barbotin (Conservative movement, supported by the RN): 27.31% (qualified T2)
  • Loïc Signor (Together for the Republic): 23.77% (qualified T2)
  • Géraldine Telle: 1.90%
  • Frédérique Poncet (Reconquest): 1.42%
  • Lucien Noaile (Workers’ Struggle): 1.42%
  • Christmas Agossa: 1.32%
  • Emmanuelly Gougougnan-Zadigue : 0,69 %

4e constituency (Chennevières-sur-Marne, Ormesson-sur-Marne, Sucy-en-Brie, Villiers-sur-Marne) :

  • Adel Amara (New Popular Front): 33.02% (qualified T2)
  • Maud Petit (Modem): 30.52% (qualified T2)
  • Alain Philippet (National gathering): 26.95% (qualified T2)
  • Bernard Chaussegros: 2.58%
  • Marie-Odile Perru (Center): 1.64%
  • Soraya Benslimane: 1.25%
  • Reconquest: Michaël Bohbot: 1.19%
  • Brigitte Moulin (Workers’ Struggle): 1.11%
  • Maxence Sobral : 1,09 %
  • Jean Dambreville (Equinox): 0.59%

5e constituency (Bry-sur-Marne, Champigny-sur-Marne Center and East, Nogent-sur-Marne, Le Perreux-sur-Marne) :

  • Mathieu Lefèvre (Together for the Republic): 38.52% (qualified T2)
  • Julien Léger (New Popular Front): 37.27% (qualified T2)
  • Isabelle Huguenin-Richard (National Rally): 20.40% (qualified T2)
  • Reconquest: Simone Benouadah: 1.40%
  • Catherine Molinari : 1,18 %
  • Workers’ struggle: François Joslin: 0.93%
  • Maeva Sara Angele : 0,29 %

6e constituency (Fontenay-sous-Bois East and West, Saint-Mandé, Vincennes East and West) :

  • May Bouhada (New Popular Front): 40.63% (qualified T2)
  • Guillaume Gouffier Valente (Together for the Republic): 37.38% (qualified T2)
  • Martina Gabelica (National Rally): 13.89%
  • Victor Gaonach : 3,87 %
  • Rémy Longetti (Reconquest): 1.83%
  • Tony Renault (Ecology in the center): 1.63%
  • Véronique Hunaut (Workers’ Struggle): 0.48%
  • Murielle Morand (NPA): 0.29%

7e constituency (Chevilly-Larue, Fresnes, L’Haÿ-les-Roses, Thiais) :

  • Rachel Keke (New Popular Front): 43.65% (qualified T2)
  • Vincent Jeanbrun (The Republicans): 34.64% (qualified T2)
  • Claude Ledion (National Rally): 18.89%
  • Claire Maury (Workers’ Struggle): 1.45%
  • Florence de la Ruelle (Reconquest): 1.15%
  • Rachel Castin : 0,22 %

8e constituency (Charenton-le-Pont, Joinville-le-Pont, Maisons-Alfort North and South) :

  • Michel Herbillon (The Republicans): 44.13% (qualified T2)
  • João Martins Pereira (New Popular Front): 36.88% (qualified T2)
  • Raphaël Turpin (National Rally): 16.22%
  • Olivier Buclin (Reconquest): 1.80%
  • Amandine Cheyns (Workers’ Struggle): 0.97%

9e constituency (Alfortville North and South, Vitry-sur-Seine East and West) :

  • Isabelle Santiago (New Popular Front): 58.09% (Elected)
  • National Rally: Wenqi Cui: 18.08%
  • Presidential majority (Together for the Republic): Noémie Amirou: 14.75%
  • Jérôme Aubertin: 4.02%
  • Ecology at the center: Christophe Jaubert: 2.17%
  • Workers’ struggle: Marie Vieira: 1.05%
  • Reconquest: Ambroise Ramassamy: 1.05%
  • Workers’ Party: Véronique Ducandas: 0.55%
  • Sophie Ortole: 0.24%
  • Communist and Revolutionary League: Luc Chevallier: 0%

10e constituency (Ivry-sur-Seine East and West, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, Vitry-sur-Seine North) :

  • Mathilde Panot (New Popular Front): 59.27% ​​(Elected)
  • Presidential majority (Together for the Republic): Shannon Seban: 18.51%
  • National rally: Elise Lin: 14.87%
  • Coralie Barberon: 4.15%
  • Workers’ struggle: Christine Lichtenauer: 1.14%
  • Reconquest: Charlotte Sevestre: 1.09%
  • NPA : Selma Labib : 0,49 %
  • Farid Aïssaoui: 0.47%

11e constituency (Arcueil, Cachan, Villejuif East and West) :

  • Sophie Taillé-Polian (New Popular Front): 57.36% (Elected)
  • Presidential majority (Together for the Republic): Nathalie Picot: 19.93%
  • National Rally: Sylvie Bouchot: 14.30%
  • Candidate of the right and the center: Cédric Rivet-Sow: 3.53%
  • Charles Mariaud : 2.74%
  • Reconquest: Lydie Cousty: 1.06%
  • Workers’ struggle: Christine Samson: 0.75%
  • NPA (New Anti-Capitalist Party): Sébastien Sugranes: 0.34%


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