Municipal council of July 2, 2024

Municipal council of July 2, 2024
Municipal council of July 2, 2024

Here are the main deliberations: Urban renewal of the Ariste Bolon/SIDR Haute districts The Annual Report to the CRAC 2023 Community of the development concession of the urban renewal project of the Ariste Bolon/SIDR Haute districts was voted by the elected officials. The overall financial report is updated to 30 million euros.

The expenditure in 2023 made it possible to carry out, among other things, the work (phase 1) of redeveloping Avenue Mgr Roméro and additional work requested by local residents. Phase 2 (Avenue Mgr Roméro) and the development of the Hibiscus pedestrian mall are part of the forecast expenditure for 2024. The management of the urban renewal project has been entrusted to SPL Grand Ouest.

Mayor Olivier Hoarau recalled that land huts will be built at the SIDR, Place Hélicopère: “These constructions represent a concrete response to the significant demand from Porto residents in terms of property ownership.”

Modernization of the Lambrakis sports complex

Green light for funding related to the renewal of the synthetic turf surface of the Lambrakis B Sports Complex and its upgrading to standards. This modernization will guarantee the safety conditions of the site, will improve its reception potential, diversify sports uses (football and rugby) and strengthen the attractiveness for clubs and school practice (middle schools and high schools). The evolution surface, which is more than 15 years old, will be replaced by a 5th generation synthetic surface offering significant cushioning and shock absorption.

It will thus facilitate the practice of sport for all, in particular seniors and people with disabilities. The city also hopes to obtain approval from the Football League for the organization of official matches. As a reminder, since 2014 the city of Le Port has paid particular attention to sports policy. It has developed a specific Multi-Year Investment Plan to renovate and modernize all of the city’s sports sites and facilities, essential infrastructure for the development of an ambitious sports policy. The overall cost of the investment is estimated at 774,500 euros, for work lasting 5 months, according to forecasts.

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