Tarn. This is what the future swimming pools of Albi will look like in three years

Tarn. This is what the future swimming pools of Albi will look like in three years
Tarn. This is what the future swimming pools of Albi will look like in three years


Fabien Hisbacq

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 7:52 a.m.

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Swimming pools in the Albi area (Tarn) are at a turning point. Created in 2001 for one and in 2006 for the other, they will undergo a major renovation and extension program. Construction of a new basincreation of aquatic play areas, extension of the fitness area… Here, in pictures, what they will look like in three years.

Atlantis (Albi) and Taranis (Saint-Juéry) have welcomed 6 million visitors since their opening. With an average of 285,000 users per year. Which is a lot for an agglomeration of 84,000 inhabitants.

Create “water surface” and additional time slots

Especially when 200 classes from kindergarten to CM2, seven middle schools and three high schools use slots. Similarly, 450 children from the Water School et a thousand members sports associations… The general public sometimes finds itself short of time or lanes.

This is one of the challenges of the modernization program for the two sites. “Recent studies conducted on the renovation of equipment have highlighted the need to modernize and increase the supply proposed in the area,” believes the Greater Albigeois urban community.

Currently, Atlantis does have an outdoor pool, but not with water lines for swimming. It’s a fun space. (©Fabien Hisbacq – - Occitanie)
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“The addition of water surface area will open up new opportunities for schools to fully meet the ambitions of the Know how to swim in the North Tarn program,” adds the community. “These extensions will allow the organization of 1,000 additional class sessions per year (+ 28,000 school entries)”, also details the Agglo. But there will also, of course, be an increase in slots and a larger swimming surface for the general public.

Improve energy performance

Another challenge is to improve energy performance “with a target of 80% renewable energy and optimized insulation of buildings”. Modernization is another, particularly with regard to reception halls and changing rooms.

A new outdoor pool at Atlantis

It is at Atlantis that the work will be heaviest. Because there, it will be necessary to build an outdoor pool of 50 m, open year round.

The future northern basin of Atlantis. (©BVL Architecture)

But also expand the wellness area and fitness center. Moreover, a water play area for children under 6 years old will be created. And the renovated outdoor pools. Finally, on the energy side, a biomass boiler room will appear, as well as photovoltaic panels.

The reception will also be changed at Atlantis. (©BVL Architecture)

Delivery expected at the end of 2027 at best

The project is in the design phase. Construction could begin in September 2025, with a first phase of almost a year devoted to outdoor pools. Between September 2026 and November 2027, the existing building will be renovated.

Almost everything will change, even the square in Atlantis. (©BVL Architecture)

The urban community does not specify whether the equipment will have to be closed during this work, but it is likely that there will be at least major disruptions between summer 2026 and winter 2027.

What will evolve in Atlantis. (©BVL Architecture)

Renovations in Taranis

On the Taranis side, the work will be less extensive. There will be no new outdoor pool. But the 25 m pool that is currently only open in the summer will be transformed and accessible all year round.

The Taranis outdoor pool will be open all year round. (©BVL Architecture)

Reception redesigned to accommodate schools and the general public at the same time

The changing rooms will also be enlarged with a separation between the general public and schools. Remember that at present, the year is divided in two in Taranis. During the school year, only the indoor pool operates and it is closed to the general public (it is reserved in particular for schoolchildren). While in summer, it is the outdoor pool that takes over, to welcome bathers of all stripes.

Here again, in Taranis, the welcome will evolve. (©BVL Architecture)

Finally, here again, a biomass boiler room will be created and photovoltaic panels installed.

Work to continue until summer 2026

In terms of the timetable, it will also necessarily be shorter. After the phase of the project management studies, the work could begin in June 2025 and be completed a year later.

What will evolve in Taranis. (©BVL Architecture)

Note that, according to the urban community, on both sites, no change in prices is currently envisaged.

Opposition to the project

While many were calling for these new developments, some Albigensians have shown their incomprehension in recent months at what they describe as a step backwards. Indeed, from 1948 to 2016, there was an outdoor swimming pool elsewhere in Albi. The Caussels basin has been destroyed to make way for a wastewater treatment plant.

The swimming pool in the Caussels district of Albi was destroyed less than a decade ago. (©Benezech TP)

The investment of the century for the Agglo

There is also the cost of such an operation. In 2022, this was estimated at just under 20 million euros excluding tax, the largest investment ever made by the urban community in the 21st century.e century. To be precise, the amount of the program authorization is set at 24 467 800 euros TTC“calculated on the basis of the forecast cost retained in the deliberation of June 28, 2022 (€19.26 million excluding tax) updated to the economic conditions of November 2023 (€20.39 million excluding tax)”.

Finally, like a collective which had launched a petition against these projects, the creation itself of northern basins is considered by some to be a ecological aberration.

A need ?

Jean-Laurent Tonicello, an opposition member of the Albi town hall and the Agglo council, also had a different reading from that of the majority, attendance studies of the two swimming pools, summarizing things as follows during the community council in February 2024: “The conclusion is clear, the 50-meter pool at Atlantis is not justified in view of the school and general public needs of the area”.

To find out more about the renovation and extension project for the Grand Albigeois swimming pools, click here or at the reception of the Atlantis swimming pools in Albi and Taranis in Saint-Juéry.

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