LEGISLATIVE – On the left, we are taking the blow and mobilizing for the second round – info-chalon.com

LEGISLATIVE – On the left, we are taking the blow and mobilizing for the second round – info-chalon.com
LEGISLATIVE – On the left, we are taking the blow and mobilizing for the second round – info-chalon.com

On Sunday evening, the atmosphere was not festive when the results of the first round of these early legislative elections were announced. Around forty activists, Fatima Kourichethe candidate for the 5th constituency of Saône-et-Loire, and Damien Saleyhis deputy but also Jerome Durainthe socialist senator from Saône-et-Loire, and Franck Charlier1st Secretary of the Federation of the Socialist Party (PS) of Saône-et-Loire, were gathered at the headquarters of the Federation of the Socialist Party (PS), 13 rue Philibert Léon Couturier, in Chalon-sur-Saône, to experience this election evening.

But when the results were announced at 8 p.m., faces became serious, then worried. Some were glued to the big screen. Others even had tears in their eyes.

«Now we are no longer safe from anything», confides to us Aline Mathus-Janetthe co-president of the local section of the Human Rights League (LDH71), who spoke in a personal capacity.

After the shock, the activists quickly organized themselves around an office in order to prepare for the second round.The political union on the left has borne fruit. It shows that we have strength. I am very proud of Fatima’s (Kouriche) victory. Having achieved the score she got in 15 days is proof that she is the bearer of a real message.», added Philippe Janetmember of LDH71, who also spoke in his own name.

For her part, the communist Nathalie Vermorel explains to us that the score of the National Rally (RN), “which will not necessarily transform into deputy positions“, East “more worrying for democracy and the Republic».

His possible victory “will threaten the republican equality of citizens who live on our soil. In the constituency, I am delighted with the score achieved by the (New) Popular Front which provides progressive solutions for the social and economic problems of the population, employees as well as business leaders. In the 2nd round, we will of course continue the campaign and mobilize a majority of citizens on the candidacies of Fatilma Kouriche and Damien Saley“, adds the activist.

“We don’t give up, we keep hope,” says the environmentalist in turn “non-registered and left-wing citizen with convictions» Sabine Blondeau who advocates for a society with “more freedom, fairness and adelphity».

If Franck Charlier concedes that the RN scores “historically” high, he believes that “we are faced with a choice of society».

«What kind of society do we want in a week? Either a society of hatred, withdrawal and the destruction of institutions, this is the society that the RN proposes. Or all the republican forces must unite“, he continues.

For the 1st secretary of the Federation of the Socialist Party (PS) of Saône-et-Loire, “the left will take its responsibilities as it has always done and I ask that the forces of the right take the same responsibilities. The time of neither-nor is over. Opens today the time of or or».

Calling for mobilization “of all Democrats, of all Republicans“, the activists of the New Popular Front will meet this Monday, July 1, at 6 p.m., at the Maison des Syndicats in Chalon-sur-Saône, “to ensure that in the second round, the extreme right is not in the majority in our country».

Karim Bouakline-Venegas Al Gharnati



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