Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Agde (34300) – Agde MP elected

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Agde (34300) – Agde MP elected
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Agde (34300) – Agde MP elected

19:53 – What verdict for the Popular Front at the end of these 2024 legislative elections?

The union of the left in the last legislative elections having exploded in flight, what will happen to voters for these 2024 elections? How many will vote for the Popular Front? During the European elections, Raphaël Glucksmann’s list reached 8.45% in Agde. But we can however estimate a result of 16% for the left for this first round in the city, the share of votes of the leader of the Place Publique list being to be inflated with those of the LFI Manon Aubry (5.04%), Marie Toussaint (2.14%) and finally Léon Deffontaine (1.85%). The level is high: during the first round of the elections of the deputies two years ago, in Agde, the Nupes duo had also gleaned 14.41% of the votes in the commune. A push to finally refine with the 18% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election, i.e. the cumulative scores from Mélenchon to Hidalgo.

18:42 – In 5 years, the National Rally has grabbed 10 points in Agde

It is difficult to get a clear idea of ​​the next elections after this avalanche of results. But some broad outlines stand out… The RN has already recovered 10 points at the local level between the 2019 European elections and the equivalent in 2024. A drop in the ocean. With a rough projection, we can imagine that the RN will be at nearly 45% or even more in Agde on the evening of June 30, for the first round of the legislative elections.

15:31 – What were the results of the European elections in Agde on June 9?

Looking back on the last electoral experience may also seem obvious when preparing for the vote this Sunday, June 30. The result of the RN list, with a certain Jordan Bardella as leader in the European elections in June, was in fact at its highest in Agde, with 49.31%, or 6,340 votes in the city. The nationalist movement was then ahead of Valérie Hayer at 11.83% and Raphaël Glucksmann at 8.45%.

14:32 – What was the verdict of the 2022 presidential election in Agde?

The choice of the President of the Republic is certainly the reference for evaluating a local political trend. Notable performance: the RN had collected more votes in the first round in the legislative elections two years ago in Agde than Marine Le Pen in person during the presidential election. She had accumulated 36.13% in the 1st round in the city. She then surpassed Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, credited with 21.06% and 14.28% respectively. Marine Le Pen even finished ahead of Emmanuel Macron in the second round (with 60.14% against 39.86%).

12:32 – New advance for the National Rally in Agde?

At the local and national levels, the result of the training embodied by Jordan Bardella in these 2024 legislative elections will be closely scrutinized. The RN rose to first position in Agde during the elections for the new National Assembly in 2022. In the commune, which voted for the 7th constituency of Hérault, it was Aurélien Lopez Liguori who won in the first round with 37 .58%. Victory was ultimately to fall to him in the second round in the locality, with 69.82%, ahead of the New Ecological and Social Popular Union pair at 30.18%.

11:02 – Agde: legislative elections and demographic dynamics

Agde’s demographic and socio-economic data show obvious trends that could impact the outcome of the legislative elections. The percentage of unemployed at 26.42% could influence the hopes of residents in terms of labor policies. With a population density of 530 inhabitants/km² and 36.41% active population, can we expect strong electoral engagement? The rate of households with at least one car (25.48%) shows the weight of transport and infrastructure issues in the concerns of the 12,055 voters. The number of RSA beneficiaries (5.88%) highlights the need for social monitoring, while the percentage of employees on fixed-term contracts (13.42%) highlights issues of work stability. A percentage of second homes of 67.45%, as in Agde, indicates significant tourism in the region. Vacation home owners may have different policy concerns than permanent residents.

09:32 – The legislative elections in Agde (34300) are launched

How did the citizens of this municipality vote in previous elections? During the European elections in June 2024, 50.57% of voters in Agde (Hérault) took part in the vote, compared with a turnout of 52.51% 5 years ago. As a reminder, in the municipality, turnout in the 2022 legislative elections reached 47.45% in the first round. In the second round, 45.88% of citizens exercised their right to vote. Proportionally, at the national level, the percentage of turnout in the 2022 legislative elections reached 47.5% in the first round and only 46.2% in the second round, less than in 2017.

08:02 – The legislative elections in Agde are today

The 26 polling stations in the city of Agde will be open until 6 p.m. to welcome residents. The legislative elections offer the French the opportunity to express themselves on the issues that affect their country. In the event that the New Popular Front or the National Rally obtains the majority in the National Assembly, cohabitation could occur, forcing the head of state to appoint a Prime Minister from the opposition to govern. Among the many candidates expected, which political faction is expected to take the lead in the legislative elections in Agde? Don’t forget to bring an ID to vote.



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