The Red Cross calls on the French to prepare an emergency bag, here is what it contains

The Red Cross calls on the French to prepare an emergency bag, here is what it contains
The Red Cross calls on the French to prepare an emergency bag, here is what it contains

Today it is essential to be prepared to all possible natural disasters. Indeed, global warming leads to an increase in these disasters which can have very serious consequences. The Red Cross has just given some tips on this.

In fact, in a report released last April, the Red Cross made recommendations for making in the face of climate crises, but also advised preparing an emergency bag in all homes.

The Red Cross indicates that most French people are not ready to face increasing climate risks

Nowadays, the climate change is strongly felt. Indeed, new extreme episodes take place every year in France, such as heavy floods, major fires, a heatwave over a large part of the summer and the country or even the increase in the number of storms and cyclones. These phenomena are of great concern to the government, but also to the Red Cross, in particular, because most French people are not prepared to deal with it.

Indeed, according to the latest Red Cross report entitled “Extreme weather events: are we prepared for the inevitable?”the association indicates that “50 million French people are exposed to heat waves in 2023”, “Only 40% of French people are trained gestures and behaviors that save », “In the case of an imminent extreme weather event, only 37% of French people have the right reflex by staying safe and listening to the information”et, “Only 10% of French people have the reflex to prepare an emergency bag »However, most of these French people are highly exposed to growing climate risks.

The Red Cross has made ten recommendations to better address climate crises

Following its report, the Red Cross gave ten recommendations to better cope to climate crises. Among these recommendations, we can find: “Train 80% of the population in life-saving actions and behaviors, improve the psychological support during and after crises, better understand and identify the vulnerable people to better protect them, guarantee shelter, access to water and hygiene in a systematic manner, constitute a corps of volunteers trained for emergencies and who can be mobilized in the event of a crisis, provide stocks of equipment and logistics platforms ready to be deployed in all regions, and encourage ALL citizens to adopt the emergency bag reflex”.

This emergency bag is in fact one of the main recommendations of the Red Cross and should be put in place in every home to deal with climate crises. This bag, which the association calls the « Catakit » must cover the five vital needs: hydration, nutrition, care, protection and signaling. It must also be placed within easy reach to be able to use it. grab quickly and easily in case of a hasty departure.

crédit photo : Shutterstock The contents of the emergency bag recommended by the Red Cross have been indicated by the association.

Here is the contents of the emergency bag recommended by the Red Cross

This emergency bag should therefore be made in all homes for confronting a climate emergency. According to the Red Cross, it should contain a battery-powered radio with spare batteries to follow instructions from authorities, medicationa first aid kit containing bandages, compresses and disinfectant, basic tools such as a Swiss army knife or cutlery, or even food that doesn’t expire and which does not require any cooking.

In addition to the points indicated previously, this « Catakit » must also contain warm clothing and a blankettools for signaling, a flashlight, a hygiene kit, drinking water in large quantities, and a waterproof pouch with identity documents and cash. It is important to check this bag and the expiration dates every year.



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