Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Mâcon (71000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Mâcon (71000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Mâcon (71000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:53 – The result of the left coalition in the last legislative elections in Mâcon is envious

Another question of these 2024 legislative elections will be that of the weight of the left after the advent of the New Popular Front, a year after the break-up of the Nupes. During the first round of the elections of deputies in 2022, in Mâcon, the Nupes duo had in fact obtained 32.35% of the votes in the locality, more than its national score. What share will vote for the New Popular Front, representing the rebellious, the socialists, the communists, the ecologists and others, and given in a close fight with the majority by the polling institutes? In the European elections more recently, the Glucksmann list reached 15.74% in Mâcon. But the verdict for the left will obviously depend this time also on the voters of the LFI list, as well as that of Europe Ecologie or that of the Communist Party on June 9. That is a total of 35% on site.

18:42 – Is the RN the favorite for the legislative elections in Mâcon?

It is difficult to draw conclusions from this avalanche of figures. But some guidelines are emerging… The RN should reach nearly 20% in Mâcon during the first round of these legislative elections if the trend predicted by the European election of June 9 applies locally. The National Rally is even credited with around a third of the votes in the country, or fifteen points more than in 2022. A surplus to also add to its result in the municipality this Sunday, June 30? The prognosis is simplistic, but it remains consistent given the progression of the movement in the area. In just five years, between the 2019 and 2024 European elections, the RN has already gained 6 points in the municipality.

15:31 – The National Rally list at 25.49% in Mâcon three weeks ago

Looking back on the very last electoral test seems even wiser, when becoming familiar with the legislative vote. Because the panorama established following the elections a few days ago is notable. The score of the RN list, which had a certain Jordan Bardella as its guide in 2024, was in fact at its highest in Mâcon, at 25.49%, or 2,281 votes in the city. The Eurosceptic movement was then ahead of Raphaël Glucksmann at 15.74% and Valérie Hayer at 15.48%.

14:32 – The result of the presidential election, also a marker in Mâcon

The political typology of the inhabitants of a municipality is undoubtedly most evident in the choices made during the election of the person who will preside over France. Marine Le Pen finished far behind in the commune in the first round of the 2022 presidential election, falling to 18.52% compared to 29.1% for Emmanuel Macron and 26.44% for Jean-Luc Mélenchon. And Marine Le Pen did no better in the second round with 33.53% against 66.47%.

12:32 – The Ensemble result already decisive this Sunday

Looking back to analyze the most recent legislative election makes sense at the time of the crucial meeting of June 30 and July 7. In the first round of the 2022 legislative elections, Mâcon, covered by the 1st constituency of Saône-et-Loire, will see the LREM duo win with 35.46%, while the RN will remain behind at 16%. It will not succeed any more in the second round, the party will still let the LREM duo win the election.

11:02 – Legislative elections in Mâcon: a demographic perspective

In the midst of a legislative election campaign, Mâcon presents itself as a dynamic and lively municipality. With its 34,448 inhabitants, this agglomeration is seen as a symbol of openness. The socio-economic variety can be seen in its 2,906 companies, whose activity is supported by a family network of 21,297 tax households. In the agglomeration, 18.76% of residents are children, and 25.79% are over 60, which can have an effect on political orientations in terms of education and health care. With 4,992 foreign residents, Mâcon is an example of its openness to the world. With an average monthly net salary of €2,056.77/month, the municipality has an unemployment rate of 16.89%, announcing a precarious economic situation. In Mâcon, local concerns are combined with French objectives.

09:32 – Mâcon: mobilization of voters in the legislative elections

This June 30, during the first round of the legislative elections in Mâcon (71000), what will be the turnout? As a reminder, in the municipality, the turnout rate for the 2022 legislative elections was 42.2% in the first round and only 39.94% in the second round. What will it be like this year in Mâcon? Two years ago, during the second round of the presidential election, out of the 19,366 registered voters in the municipality, 65.55% went to vote. Turnout was 69.57% in the first round, or 13,472 people. The rise in the price of everyday goods, which is weighing on the finances of the French, combined with fears related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, are, for example, able to strengthen the civic engagement of Mâcon voters.

08:02 – What are the opening hours of the polling stations in Mâcon?

This June 30, 2024, it has only been three weeks since the voters of Mâcon exercised their right to vote in the European elections which saw the victory of the RN. In 2022, during the previous legislative elections, the left-wing coalition obtained 131 seats in the Assembly, while ‘Together for the presidential majority’ collected 245. Among the lists present in the 1st constituency of Saône-et-Loire, who will succeed in seducing the voters of the commune? The 26 polling stations of the commune of Mâcon (from Le Pavillon 311 to Bureau A Rattachement Derogatoire 111 Cc l’Escande) are open until 6 p.m. to allow citizens to decide. The dissemination of the results in Mâcon will begin on this page at 8 p.m.



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