Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Villeparisis (77270) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Villeparisis (77270) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Villeparisis (77270) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:53 – A forecast of 38% to 43% for the left in Villeparisis

While the New Popular and Social Union had made an impression during the previous legislative elections, but no longer exists today, it is the New Popular Front that is advancing for these elections. Which makes the left-wing vote at the ballot box very uncertain. The level is high. During the first round of the legislative elections in 2022, in Villeparisis, the Nupes duo had in fact gathered 38.74% of the votes in the commune, more than its national score. A surge to be refined with the 42% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election a few weeks earlier, i.e. the cumulative scores of all the red, green and pink candidates. What share will vote for the New Popular Front, supported by the rebellious, the socialists, the ecologists, the communists and other left-wing forces, and announced as very close to the presidential majority in opinion polls during these legislative elections? Raphaël Glucksmann’s list more recently accumulated 9.45% in Villeparisis on June 9. But the accounts could well balance out for the left on June 30, since the revamped coalition could theoretically reach 43% this time, by adding together the results of Manon Aubry (LFI), Marie Toussaint (EELV) and Léon Deffontaine (PCF).

18:42 – What result for the National Rally in Villeparisis during the legislative elections?

Elections follow one another and sometimes are not alike, but there are conclusions to be drawn from all these figures. By briefly analyzing the RN’s progress observed in the last European elections at the national level, i.e. 8 points more for the Bardella list in 2024 than in 2019, the RN’s score has every chance of being very close to 30% in Villeparisis. A figure that seems logical given the votes also gained by the party in the locality over the same period (24.54% for Jordan Bardella in 2019 and 30.8% on June 9): a jump of 6 points that can still evolve.

15:31 – Villeparisis in the national average concerning Jordan Bardella at the beginning of the month

Looking back a little less may seem even more essential when analyzing the legislative elections. In detail, 1,842 inhabitants of Villeparisis who passed through the polling stations actually chose the RN a few days ago, in the European elections. The Bardella list thus convinced 30.8% of the votes ahead of Manon Aubry at 30.6% and Raphaël Glucksmann at 9.45%.

14:32 – Advantage Jean-Luc Mélenchon in Villeparisis during the presidential election

It should be noted that the RN had a higher score in the first round in the legislative elections two years ago in the commune than Marine Le Pen herself during the election of the head of state. She had garnered 21.05% in the first round in the city. In order, we nevertheless found Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the lead with 37.91%, followed by Marine Le Pen with 21.05% and Emmanuel Macron with 20.45%. The RN candidate finally failed behind Emmanuel Macron in the second round (with 39.21% against 60.79%).

12:32 – What was the result of the legislative elections two years ago in Villeparisis?

The number of RN ballots will be scrutinized for this 2024 legislative election, at the local level. The National Rally was defeated in the first round of the 2022 legislative elections in Villeparisis, counting 22.73% of the votes, while the LFI-PS-PC-EELV candidates will obtain 38.74% of the votes. Bis repetita in the second round, the party once again letting the New Popular Ecological and Social Union duo end up winning.

11:02 – Demographic and electoral trends in Villeparisis: what to remember

The demographic and socio-economic characteristics of Villeparisis highlight obvious trends that are likely to influence the outcome of the legislative elections. With an unemployment rate of 11.58% and a population density of 3,167 inhabitants/km², issues relating to employment and housing are major concerns. An average net monthly salary of €2,364.9 per month shows the weight of issues on quality of life in the questions of the 5,246 voters. Finally, the presence of an immigrant population of 19.13% and a foreign population of 14.97% indicates the influence of migratory flows on local demography. The figures on education in Villeparisis highlight notable disparities in terms of education levels, with 19.23% of residents having obtained only the baccalaureate for example. The significant gap in education levels could have repercussions on employment opportunities and social inclusion.

09:32 – Participation in the legislative elections in Villeparisis (77270)

One of the big unknowns of the legislative election will inevitably be abstention in Villeparisis. The rise in the price of everyday items that is weighing on families’ finances, combined with the concerns generated by the current geopolitical situation, would be likely to strengthen the civic engagement of Villeparisis voters. Two years ago, during the second round of the last presidential election, the abstention rate rose to 35.36% in the city. Abstention was 28.15% in the first round. In comparison, in the city, abstention in the 2022 legislative elections reached 62.98% in the first round. In the second round, 62.4% of citizens did not exercise their right to vote. Which MP will replace Ersilia Soudais in the 7th constituency of Seine-et-Marne?

08:02 – What time do the polling stations close in Villeparisis?

The opening hours of the 12 polling stations in Villeparisis (from Bureau 1 Hotel de Ville to Bureau 12 Espace Lavoisier) are as follows: from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. continuously. In response to the large victory of the National Rally in the European elections, Emmanuel Macron announced early legislative elections in Villeparisis and throughout France. The last dissolution, in 1997, initiated by Jacques Chirac, resulted in cohabitation with Lionel Jospin. What consequences will these legislative elections have? Among the lists present in the 7th constituency of Seine-et-Marne, who will succeed in obtaining the most votes in Villeparisis (77270)? To vote, it is necessary to be registered on the electoral lists and to prove your identity.



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