Legislative. The LR mayor of Compiègne against the RN in the 6th constituency and against the left in the 5th

Legislative. The LR mayor of Compiègne against the RN in the 6th constituency and against the left in the 5th
Legislative. The LR mayor of Compiègne against the RN in the 6th constituency and against the left in the 5th
The mayor of Compiègne supports his opponent in the municipal council Daniel Leca. And above all does not want the New Popular Front. Photo: Oise Hebdo

Two weeks ago, Philippe Marini, LR mayor of Compiègne, did not oppose the rallying of the right (LR-RN) wanted by the deputy Eric Ciotti. At the end of this first round of the legislative elections, he gave his preference concerning the duels on the 5th and 6th constituencies, where the RN favorite part at second tour.

Between Leca (UDI) and Guiniot (RN) on the 6th, he chooses Leca

In the 6th constituency, that of Compiègne-Noyon, he supports the UDI Daniel Leca, his opponent in the Compiègne municipal council. He salutes “the performance” of the latter, facing the outgoing deputy RN Michel Guiniot, of whom he recently recalled “the courtesy and availability”. “We have been adversaries and competitors in the past but a legislative election is not a local competition,” he explains, regarding Daniel Leca. It is important that in the new assembly, the center right is represented, alongside the two main blocs. This is why I support Daniel Leca and wish him success next Sunday.”

A position which brings the mayor closer to his opponent. While Daniel Leca, vice-president of Hauts-de-France, had invited Philippe Marini to his greeting ceremony at the end of January. This gives grist to the mill of those who think that Daniel Leca will appear on Philippe Marini’s list for the 2026 municipal elections.

New popular front or RN on the 5th? Especially not the New Popular Front

In the 5th constituency, that of Compiègne-Crépy, the second round will pit the RN Frédéric-Pierre Vos, a Parisian lawyer, against the PS Bertrand Brassens, candidate of the New Popular Front. Concerning this duel, the mayor of Compiègne makes his choice by default. “I obviously cannot take a position for the candidate of the new popular front, Bertrand Brassens,” he explains. The left-wing coalition, prisoner of its extremists, represents in my eyes the greatest danger for our country.” A position more against Mélenchon than against Bertrand Brassens.

A word for the outgoing LR MP Pierre Vatin, who sits in his majority on the municipal council of Compiègne. “He must step aside even though he was an available and effective MP,” he concludes.



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