Legislative elections in Val-d’Oise: Sébastien Meurant (LR-RN-Reconquête) withdraws to block the New Popular Front

Legislative elections in Val-d’Oise: Sébastien Meurant (LR-RN-Reconquête) withdraws to block the New Popular Front
Legislative elections in Val-d’Oise: Sébastien Meurant (LR-RN-Reconquête) withdraws to block the New Popular Front

The fourth constituency of Val-d’Oise will be the scene of a duel on Sunday. Coming in third place at the end of the first round, the former senator Sébastien Meurant (invested by LR-Ciotti, Reconquête and the RN) announced this Tuesday that he is withdrawing his candidacy. The outgoing candidate, Naïma Moutchou (Horizons), will face Karine Lacouture (NFP-LFI).

“I want to avoid the election of an additional LFI deputy in Val-d’Oise,” justifies Sébastien Meurant. This withdrawal is not a simple withdrawal. The former senator even calls for a vote for the candidate of the Macronist camp. “Gaullist activists, we will always choose France and we will vote for Naïma Moutchou, a candidate who has clearly taken a step back from Macronism,” he declares. Conversely, he calls the New Popular Front “an alliance of shame,” castigating the “loud deputies causing chaos in the assembly” and “patent anti-Semites” of LFI.

Senator and president of the LR federation, he joined Éric Zemmour’s party in 2022 during the campaign for the presidential election, believing that Valérie Pécresse had no chance of winning. Last September, he failed to keep his seat in the Upper House. He then ran in the 4th constituency during these early legislative elections with the investiture of Éric Ciotti’s party, Reconquête and the National Rally.

Silence of the Horizons candidate

“I find this recomposition of the political landscape very interesting,” reacts Karine Lacouture. “We have an objective alliance of Naïma Moutchou with someone who is a follower of political nomadism.” She points out the lack of reaction from the outgoing candidate. “She said worse than hanging about the extremes, that we were to be put in the same bag, and now she won’t say anything?”, she pretends to be surprised (Naïma Moutchou did not respond to our requests). Karine Lacouture suspects an agreement around the municipal elections of Saint-Leu-la-Forêt in 2026 between Horizons and LR-Ciotti, of which Sébastien Meurant is once again a member after having been excluded in 2022 for having supported Éric Zemmour in the presidential election.

She does, however, acknowledge that Naïma Moutchou, who was in an unfavourable position, finds herself at an advantage. The second round of this election is shaping up to be like that of 2022. Having come out on top in the first round, Karine Lacouture was beaten by Naïma Moutchou by 2,300 votes. She thinks that Sébastien Meurent’s support for his opponent will not necessarily be widely followed. “As a Gaullist, I would have a hard time choosing a ballot tainted by support from a party that is the heir to those who tried to assassinate General de Gaulle at Petit Clamart,” she chides.



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