Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Rochefort (17300) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Rochefort (17300) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Rochefort (17300) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:52 – Who will the Nupes supporters transfer to in Rochefort?

The other question of these legislative elections is that of the left-wing vote after the formation of the New Popular Front. The total is not negligible: during the first round of the Assembly elections in 2022, in Rochefort, the Nupes duo had in fact recorded 31.6% of the votes in the commune, a score higher than its national result. A figure to compare with the 32% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election a few weeks earlier, i.e. the cumulative votes of Mélenchon-Roussel-Jadot-Hidalgo. How many will vote for the Popular Front, combining LFI, the PS, EELV, the PCF and others, and given neck and neck with the majority by the polling institutes during these legislative elections? The PS-Place publique list led by Raphaël Glucksmann more recently obtained 18.38% in Rochefort on June 9. The fact remains that in the commune, we will also have to count on the 7.93% of Manon Aubry’s list (La France insoumise), the 6.95% of Marie Toussaint (EELV) and the 2.6% of Léon Deffontaine (Communist Party). In other words, a sum of 33% this time.

18:42 – What result for the Rally during the legislative elections in Rochefort?

It’s hard to see clearly in all these figures. But some elements stand out… The RN’s progression is already strong in Rochefort between Jordan Bardella’s score in 2019 (23.83%) and the one it obtained on June 9 in the European elections (28.15%), of the order of 5 points. But this is expected to be even more significant in the 2024 legislative elections, with polls rather giving the RN a progression of 15 points compared to the 2022 legislative elections across the country, very far from the 18.68% at the time. The RN could thus find itself at 26% locally on June 30, if the dynamics were the same as in the European elections, or even more depending on the poll dynamics.

15:31 – Rochefort in the French average concerning the RN at the beginning of June

A very recent election changed the balance coming out of the polls in 2022. It was in fact the Jordan Bardella list which dominated the European elections three weeks ago in Rochefort, with 28.15% of the votes (2418 votes) ahead of the list led by Raphaël Glucksmann with 18.38%, and Valérie Hayer with 15.38%.

14:32 – Emmanuel Macron overtook Le Pen and Mélenchon in Rochefort in the first round of the presidential election

The election for the presidency of the Republic is undoubtedly the benchmark for gauging local political preference. With 22.43%, Marine Le Pen obtained a very weak result in Rochefort in the first round of the presidential election two years ago. The leader of the National Rally was outclassed by Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon with 27.03% and 23.32% of the vote. It was ultimately a certain Emmanuel Macron who won with 58.95% against 41.05% for Le Pen in the second round on site.

12:32 – What can the results of the 2022 legislative elections teach Rochefort?

The share of National Rally voters will be the key to the vote for these elections locally, as well as at the national level. The RN was beaten in the first round of the 2022 legislative elections in Rochefort, accounting for 18.32% of the votes, while the New Ecological and Social Popular Union candidates will obtain 31.60% of the votes. The party will also be absent, in the municipality at least, in the second round.

11:02 – Socio-economic analysis of Rochefort: electoral perspectives

At the heart of the legislative election campaign, Rochefort is perceived as a dynamic and lively city. With its 23,092 inhabitants, this cosmopolitan city represents the cultural wealth of contemporary France. Its 2,098 companies demonstrate a thriving entrepreneurial activity, while its social fabric is made up of 6,091 families, reflecting a community rich in diversity. The percentage of households without a car (38.22%) shows a lower dependence on the automobile. This factor could influence voters on transport and environmental issues. Rochefort is home to a diverse community, with its 1,072 foreign residents, or 4.58% of its population, reinforcing the social and cultural wealth of the city. With an average monthly net salary of €2,017.24/month, the town has an unemployment rate of 20.38%, revealing a mixed economic situation. Rochefort thus embodies the challenges and ambitions of contemporary France.

09:32 – The first participation figures will fall at 12 p.m., what about in Rochefort?

In Rochefort, turnout will undoubtedly be one of the big unknowns of this legislative election. As a reminder, in the urban area, turnout in the 2022 legislative elections was 47.76% in the first round. In the second round, 47.04% of citizens exercised their right to vote. What will turnout be in Rochefort this year? In the first round of the last presidential election, turnout was 73.13% of those registered on the urban area’s electoral lists. Turnout was 70.48% in the second round, or 12,123 people. The residents’ desire for change could push Rochefort citizens not to stay at home.

08:02 – Legislative elections in Rochefort: polling station opening hours

The 20 polling stations in the town of Rochefort (from Hotel de Ville to Gymnase Grimaux Bv 20) close their doors at 6 p.m. The results of the legislative elections in Rochefort are released today, three weeks after the significant victory of the National Rally in the European elections and the dissolution of the National Assembly. The last dissolution, in 1997, led to cohabitation between President Jacques Chirac and Lionel Jospin, his Prime Minister. This election is a new opportunity for RN candidates to stand out among the city’s citizens. Don’t forget to bring your voter card and an identity document (national identity card, passport, driving license, etc.) to be able to vote.



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