in Bordeaux, at the Wine Festival, “to drown our sorrows in alcohol” – Libération

in Bordeaux, at the Wine Festival, “to drown our sorrows in alcohol” – Libération
in Bordeaux, at the Wine Festival, “to drown our sorrows in alcohol” – Libération
Legislative elections 2024dossier

On the quays of Bordeaux, a few minutes before the announcement of the results, the atmosphere was festive this Sunday, June 30, in the evening, for this popular meeting where Bordeaux residents and tourists meet. With rare exceptions, politics was far from the conversations.

On the quays of Bordeaux, a few minutes before the announcement of the results, the atmosphere was festive in the evening of Sunday June 30 for the Wine Festival, where thousands of tourists mingle with locals every year. Along the Garonne, we met a group of friends, glasses of wine in hand. Families were ecstatic in front of legendary ships. On the water mirror, a tourist showcase, children splashed carefreely in the sun, we took selfies, we began to uncork the bottles and cut the sausage. For many, at 8 p.m., politics was far from the conversation.

It took a long time to finally find a group waiting for the results. In the shade of large plane trees, a group of girlfriends, in their twenties, voters for the New Popular Front, chose the Wine Festival as their “strategic withdrawal” after voting. “To drown our sorrows in alcohol,” Olivia explains, laughing, half serious. Next door, Othilie scrolls nervously on her cell phone. When the first results fall, collective pout. Disappointment and anger too. “34% for the RN anyway!” cowardly, bitter, Olivia. “I really thought that the New Popular Front was going to do a lot more,” regrets Virginie. “We are in our bubble; in our surroundings there are a lot of left-wing people,” Maya bounces back. Some of them will go to demonstrate “tomorrow if necessary” to tip the scales. The other believes that it will be necessary above all “do everything to convince Macron’s voters” to report “intelligently” their vote. “Not won”, sighs Virginie.

In their constituencies, however, the left is not at risk “not much”, they estimate. During the European elections, Bordeaux and some neighboring municipalities resisted the brown wave and favored the list of Raphaël Glucksmann (21.97%). “Elsewhere, in Gironde, it’s another matter.” sighs Virginie. On June 9, Jordan Bardella’s party triumphed by coming first in 97.6% of municipalities, a first in the history of the department.



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