Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Tours (37000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Tours (37000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Tours (37000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:54 – The left with the RN and Ensemble in a duel in Tours for these 2024 legislative elections?

While Nupes had accumulated votes during the previous legislative elections, but will not have lasted more than two years, it is a new coalition that is advancing for these elections. Which leaves doubts hanging over the left-wing vote in the polling booths. The level is high. During the first round of the legislative elections two years ago, in Tours, Nupes had in fact obtained 37.71% of the votes if we include the 2 constituencies of the city. A score to be refined with the 39% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election, i.e. the cumulative votes of Mélenchon-Roussel-Jadot-Hidalgo. In the European elections more recently, the Glucksmann list gleaned 19.5% in Tours. But the verdict for the left is obviously also dependent this time on the votes granted to the rebellious list of Manon Aubry, as well as those of the EELV Marie Toussaint or even the communist Léon Deffontaine on June 9. In other words, a sum of 42% on the spot.

18:42 – In Tours, a favorite National Rally?

What can we deduce from all these figures? The polls predict Jordan Bardella’s party will have 33% of the vote in France this Sunday, June 30, fifteen points above its score in the 2022 legislative elections. According to a simplistic calculation, this dynamic should bring it to 25% in Tours, also 15 points more than its score last time in the city. But a municipality is not France and we note that the movement has only gained 3 points here between the 2019 European elections and the vote of June 9, for example. Enough to dampen Le Pen’s ardor.

15:31 – Turns against the tide in the June 9 elections

Going back a few weeks may seem even wiser, when anticipating the legislative elections. Because what came out of the elections a few days ago is revealing, even if not all cities are affected in the same way. The RN did not break through a few weeks ago in Tours, with Bardella’s list finishing second with 17.88% in the European elections. It is Raphaël Glucksmann’s list which ends up in the lead with 19.5%.

2:32 p.m. – Tours voted for Macron in the first round of the presidential election

With 13.22%, Marine Le Pen’s score in Tours in the first round of the election of the President of the Republic in 2022 was too low. The leader of the RN was outclassed by Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon at 30.11% and 29.91% of the votes cast. It was ultimately Emmanuel Macron who ended up victorious at 73% against 27% for Le Pen in the second round on site.

12:32 – What can the results of the 2022 legislative elections show for Tours?

The result of the most recent legislative election seems to be a valuable clue at the moment of the major electoral meeting which is taking place. During the last legislative elections, the RN stumbled in the first round in the commune of Tours, obtaining 10.83% of the votes there, compared to 37.71% on average for the LFI-PS-PC-EELV candidates spread over the 2 constituencies covering the municipality. In detail, for this first round, we found in the lead in the city Charles Fournier (NUP) in the 1st constituency with 39.6% and Sabine Thillaye (ENS) in the 5th constituency with 27.05%. It won’t get any better in the second round, with the RN still non-existent and leaving room for Ensemble candidates! – Presidential majority for the first position locally.

11:02 – Tours: the importance of understanding your population to predict elections

At midday of the legislative elections, Tours is teeming with diversity and activities. With its 137,658 inhabitants, this agglomeration presents itself as a symbol of openness. Its 10,673 companies demonstrate a favorable economy. The rate of households owning at least one car (59.09%) shows the importance of transport and environmental issues in citizens’ questions. The presence of 12,402 foreign residents contributes to its multiculturalism. With an average monthly net salary of €2,292.41 per month, the city has an unemployment rate of 16.83%, synonymous with a fragile economic situation. In Tours, where those under 30 represent 43% of the population, the elections are an opportunity for a flourishing future for all.

09:32 – The legislative elections begin in Tours: what will the abstention rate be?

What will happen to the abstention this June 30, during the first round of the legislative elections in Tours (37000)? Two years ago, in the first round of the presidential election, among the 82,336 people of voting age in the urban area, 29.1% refused to go to the polls. Abstention was 31.53% in the second round. Proportionally, in the agglomeration, the percentage of abstention in the 2022 legislative elections represented 51.06% in the first round and only 52.71% in the second round. The drop in purchasing power could, among other things, impact participation in Tours.

08:02 – Elections in Tours: polling station times

This Sunday, it has only been three weeks since the 83,062 voters of Tours exercised their right to vote in the European elections that saw the victory of the RN. Two years ago, during the previous legislative elections, the New Popular Ecological and Social Union obtained 131 seats in the Assembly, while Ensemble gained 245, and Nupes collected 131. This election is an opportunity for the candidates of the presidential majority to distinguish themselves among the voters of the commune. Note that the 85 polling stations in the Tours metropolitan area are closing their doors at 19 ‘o clock. Receive the results of the elections in Tours for free as soon as they are published by clicking on the ‘Activate results alerts’ button at the top of this page.



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