Legislative elections in Lisieux/Falaise: reactions of the candidates after the first round

Legislative elections in Lisieux/Falaise: reactions of the candidates after the first round
Legislative elections in Lisieux/Falaise: reactions of the candidates after the first round


Paul Lesigne

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 11:44 p.m.

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Sunday June 30, 2024, the voters of the 3rd constituency of Calvados, that of Lisieux/Falaise, placed Édouard Fauvage in the lead in the first round of the legislative elections.

The National Rally candidate will face Jérémie Patrier-Leitus, outgoing MP (Horizons) in the second round.

Edouard Fauvage (National Rally, 41.09%)

“My current feeling is a mixture of enthusiasm and seriousness. Enthusiasm over the high turnout, because that means that tomorrow, the deputies will truly be representatives of the people, in a legitimate National Assembly. It is a great victory for democracy, which all the republicans of which I am a part welcome.

I am also enthusiastic because we are in the lead in France, but also in this third constituency of Calvados which is dear to me, since it is the one where I grew up and where I have my family ties. For me, it was very important to be able to obtain the best possible score in this constituency that I know well and that I want to defend.

But I have a feeling of gravity at the extent of the work that we have to do to put France back on the right path, after 7 years of Macronie which devastated the country, deconstructed public services, left France bloodless. Today, we are ready to get to work, with the 88 outgoing deputies, who are hardworking, competent people, respectful of the Republican debate. It is not among us that brothelization (sic) exists, it is not among us that intimidation, anti-Semitism and racism exist.

We are going to propose a recovery plan for France, in a calm manner, without trying to scare people like the left or the centre do, who are joining forces in a political scheme that I find unfortunate, because it is once again playing tricks on the French. The French are fed up with this political mess and not being able to make ends meet. Macronie is once again joining forces with the left to keep power and continue with everything that has not worked. The New Popular Front is calling for a vote for Jérémie Patrier-Leitus, who is one of the architects of these old recipes that the French reject. I would like the left to explain how, in a coherent and honest way with regard to its principles, it is capable of asking the popular and working electorate of the constituency to support the candidacy of a man whose Horizons party defends retirement at 66.

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The duel that presents itself in the constituency, but also in France, is the duel between Macronie or RN, between continuity of failures or hope of revival. I hope that the French will send such a clear message for the second round. They put the nail on the table, now we have to hammer it home. »

Jérémie Patrier-Leitus (Together, presidential majority, 36.46%)

“We must take the results seriously, because the inhabitants of the constituency have put the National Rally in the lead. And for the first time, the city of Lisieux placed the National Rally in the lead.

As in the Europeans, I believe it is a cry of anger. It is a cry from the middle class, from the working classes, who tell us that today, they can no longer get by, that work does not pay enough… These are retirees who have small pensions and who tell us that they have worked their whole lives, and that they can no longer pay their bills and get by. This is the cry of hard-working workers who have not understood pension reform.

I want us to be able to bring together the people of this constituency around a different project. The result of this election is that the presidential majority no longer exists. We have a National Rally that is very strong in the country.

For 2 years, I have been trying to work with people from the left and the right on concrete problems: medical deserts, rural schools… I think the French are asking us to work together. I want to reach out to voters on the left and right, to those who do not want to have a National Rally government in a few weeks.

I want to tell the voters in this constituency that independent MPs do exist. For 2 years, I was an independent MP. I was criticized for it. I opposed the pension reform, because I considered that the arduous nature of the jobs was not taken into account. This is a fight that I will continue to lead tomorrow. I will continue to work on medical deserts. We cannot accept that in our territory, residents are not treated in the same way depending on their postcode. I introduced a law on rural schools with people from the left.

Jérémie Patrier-Leitus, outgoing deputy, will defend his seat in the second round. ©Le Pays d’Auge

If I am making this call for unity, it is because I have been doing so for 2 years, very concretely in the National Assembly. If residents take the time to look at what I have done, they will see that I have always worked with people from the left and the right, and that I have gone beyond political labels. I have known how to oppose the government when necessary, for example on the issue of medical deserts and pensions. I have made the voice of rural communities heard.

I want to tell residents that in a week, they will have an important choice in this constituency. I am a local MP, I live in Lisieux, the residents know me, I know them. I haven’t done everything well, I haven’t succeeded in everything, but if I am re-elected, I will continue to fight for the inhabitants of rural communities, and to listen to these men and women who made a different choice of mine. »

Olivier Truffaut (New Popular Front, 18.97%)

“It is a great satisfaction to have such a significant participation. I think it’s very positive for democracy. It’s very comforting.

I find myself in third position, I’m not qualified for the second round, so it’s a bit disappointing, of course. But we are very satisfied with the campaign that we led: a campaign very respectful of the adversaries, which advocated serenity and calm, to try to calm down a little the political debate, which is very tense, as we have been able to see. noticed recently.

Olivier Truffaut is not qualified for the second round. ©Le Pays d’Auge

The result worries me in the third constituency, because the RN candidate comes first. I call on all Republicans to stand in the way, so that the constituency does not shift to the extreme right. »

Steven Mafiodo (Standing France, 2.06%)

“I thank the thousand voters who trusted me, this is a higher score than what I did 2 years ago.

I am pleased that Édouard Fauvage achieved this score and is in the lead with more than 40%. I am not giving voting instructions because I am against this principle, and I know very well that the voters who trusted me will know who to vote for in the second round. Personally, I support Édouard Fauvage, and I will campaign with him so that he becomes our MP.

I am surprised by Jérémie Patrier-Leitus’ score. I think he owes it a lot to his personality, and also to the fact that he hid a lot of his attachment to the presidential majority and his Horizons party. We have a vote that is clearly not representative of the national level, where Macronist votes are extremely weak. It will be very important in the second round to remember that we are voting for a social project, because it is a national election.

Even though I am pleased that the left was eliminated in the first round, I am worried about its reaction in the second round, because it is absolutely not a given for Édouard Fauvage. We will do everything we can to ensure that he wins.”

Thierry-Paul Valette (Europe Equitable, 0,02 %)

“I am sad to see this devil of a RN in the lead, sad for my country but also for my city of Lisieux to suffer this national gangrene.

I approached these legislative elections with full knowledge of the facts, that is to say that there was no room for lone riders, that voters would vote not for one person but for parties. This historic election was too short to conduct a real campaign after the European elections.

I personally chose to only put up posters in Lisieux and a hundred ballot papers in three of the five offices in Lisieux; doing it elsewhere would have been money thrown in the trash in the name of personal pride in these times of crisis.

Furthermore, my main objective is the municipal elections in Lisieux in two years to return it to its citizen residents. It was still important to present myself in these legislative elections against the hate dealers and prepare for the fight that awaits us in Lisieux in two years in the municipal elections.

For the second round of this election, I call for a rally in the 3rd constituency of Calvados around Jérémie Patrier-Leitus, the outgoing MP, to block these RN hate dealers.

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