Pierre Gentillet (RN) and Loïc Kervran (Horizons) qualified for the second round of the legislative elections in the third constituency of Cher

Pierre Gentillet (RN) and Loïc Kervran (Horizons) qualified for the second round of the legislative elections in the third constituency of Cher
Pierre Gentillet (RN) and Loïc Kervran (Horizons) qualified for the second round of the legislative elections in the third constituency of Cher

There will be no three-way race in the third constituency of Cher.

At the end of this first round of the legislative elections, two candidates qualified for the second. Pierre Gentillet, the parachuted candidate of the National Rally, reached 43.15% of the votes (23,501 votes). Behind, the outgoing deputy Loïc Kervran obtained 31.20% of the votes (16,991 votes). The candidate of the New Popular Front Emma Moreira with her 9,334 votes (17.14%) did not qualify for the second round (she had to reach at least 10,400 votes).

All our articles on the legislative elections

Then, we find Bénédicte de Choulot (Les Républicains) with 5.84% (3,178 votes), Eric Lougnon (Reconquête) with 1.10% (599 votes), Eric Bellet (LO) with 1.04% (568) and Christa Chartier (Debout la France) with 0.53% (290).

Outgoing MP Loïc Kervran is calling for a Republican surge: “We have very good momentum compared to candidates supported by national waves, we have a significant score, well beyond the national averages.
For me, the stakes are very clear for the constituency, and I call for two things: a republican surge, first, from all those who do not want to see the RN gain access to the deputation in Cher; next Sunday, we will choose the deputy of Cher, and I think that here, we have enough pride to say to ourselves that the one who will carry the voice of Cher to the National Assembly must be from here, and that it is not possible to accept that it is a Parisian, parachuted in, who speaks on our behalf.”

RN candidate Pierre Gentillet talks about his side of the revolution: “It’s a tremendous wave of hope that has risen up all over Cher and even more so for the third constituency since it seems to me that it’s the record. It’s unprecedented. It’s also the success of Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen in recomposing the political divide and that’s what we should remember from this evening. Today we are the alternation, the French trust us. This confirms all the feedback from the field that I had during this campaign. Two years ago we were only at 28%, it’s a small revolution. This is only a first round. My opponent is the candidate of Macronie, Loïc Kervran and beyond my themes that are dear to me, rurality, purchasing power, I want to convey the message of turning the page on Macronie.”



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