in Avignon, “didn’t they say that they would take away our nationality?” – Liberation

in Avignon, “didn’t they say that they would take away our nationality?” – Liberation
in Avignon, “didn’t they say that they would take away our nationality?” – Liberation
Legislative elections 2024dossier

Except for a few Avignon residents or passing tourists, the subject of elections is not on people’s minds this Sunday evening on the fringes of the live performance festival. Those who do talk about it mostly talk about disappointment with politicians.

Where are the people? Well, in the middle of the Avignon Festival, where usually around 8pm, you can’t take a step on Place Pie, not in the street, not in the café. And those who are in the café are having dinner. We are asked not to disturb them. Elections, but which ones? What are we talking about? Look, three young people who are caught saying: “They will win.” We rush. But who ? “Well, the English.” They talk about football. The three young people, Franco-Moroccan, actually appear to be very concerned by the day’s vote. Two of them – they insist on absolute anonymity – came to vote for the New Popular Front, the third gave the speech of the “all rotten, all traitors, they make promises and forget them.” Both of them scold him: “You’ll see when Bardella becomes Prime Minister! Didn’t they say they would take away our nationality?” The third one, the one who didn’t vote, insists on showing us his ID. They scold the bartender who “did not have time to vote.” Further on, another trio, holding the wall, chatting, wearing Ray-Bans, mirrored glasses and the latest sneakers, and looking down at us: “How do I get a voter card? Do I have to file a form with the town hall?” asks one of them.

In the streets, many do not want to share their joy or their fear. Here, another couple who did not vote. Carole is a school teacher. She came with her partner, Stéphane, for the festival, both 53 years old, originally from La Ciotat. We do not hide our surprise. “It’s true, I feel a bit bad about it. I hope we don’t go to extremes. It’s not good of me because I myself challenge the students,” replies Carole, confronted with the first estimates. She believes she is not registered on the electoral roll, due to a move. His companion “has the strange impression that voting is a bone thrown to the people and then, “they” do what they want. They form alliances, they don’t form alliances. They marry, they unmarry.”



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