discover the scores of the candidates by municipality and by constituency

discover the scores of the candidates by municipality and by constituency
discover the scores of the candidates by municipality and by constituency

Moselle has nine constituencies. Having come out on top in five constituencies in the first round in 2022, the National Rally won three seats in the second. The presidential camp limited the damage with three elected officials, while NUPES won a mandate in Metz. Who will be the winners of the 2024 vintage? Here are the results of the first round by constituency.

Voters in Moselle were called to the polls on Sunday, June 30, 2024 to elect their representatives to the National Assembly. The department has nine constituencies, for 746 589 voters. 57 (!) candidates were in the running for the first round.

According to the Prefecture, at 5 p.m. the turnout in the first round of the legislative elections in 2024 in Moselle was estimated at 56.61%. In 2022 at 5 p.m. in Moselle, the turnout was 32.41%.

Find below the complete results of the first round in Moselle:

Here are the detailed results by district

8 candidates are running in this constituency:

M. Belkhir BELHADDAD – Renaissance – sortant
Mr. Vincent FELIX – La France insoumise (New Popular Front)
Mr. Didier GEORGET – Workers’ struggle
Mr. Grégoire LALOUX – National Rally
Ms Célia LEJAL
Mr. Jean-François JACQUES – Standing up France

7 candidates are running in this constituency:

Mr. Ludovic MENDES – Renaissance – outgoing
Mrs Aurélie CONTAL – Lorraine Party
Mr. Victorien NICOLAS – Socialist Party (New Popular Front)
Mr. Laurent PARISSE
Mr. Mario RINALDI – Workers’ Struggle
Ms. Marie-Claude VOINÇON – National gathering

5 candidates are running in this constituency:

Ms. Charlotte LEDUC – La France insoumise (New Popular Front) – outgoing
Mr. Victor CHOMARD – National gathering
Ms. Nathalie COLIN-OESTERLE – The centrists
Mr. Etienne HODARRA – Workers’ struggle

7 candidates are running in this constituency:

Mr. Fabien DI FILIPPO – The Republicans – outgoing
Mr. Marc BAUD-BERTHIER – Workers’ struggle
Mr. Jean-Philippe BOTT – Reconquest
Mrs. Emilie CRENNER
Ms Léna DECKER – Regionalist
Ms. Hélène GIRARDOT – French Communist Party (New Popular Front)
Mrs. Océane SIMON – National Rally

7 candidates are running in this constituency:

Mr. Vincent SEITLINGER – Les Républicains – outgoing
Mr. Hervé HOCQUET – Stand up France
Mr. Pascal JENFT – National Rally
Mrs. Lisa LAHORE – La France insoumise (New Popular Front)
Mr. Denis LIEB – Mosellans Party
Mr. Stéphane MARCHAND – Reconquest
Mr. Gilles SEBASTIAN – Workers’ Struggle

6 candidates are running in this constituency:

Mr. Kévin PFEFFER – National Rally – outgoing
Ms. Claire BLADT – La France insoumise (New Popular Front)
Mr. Alexandre CASSARO – The Republicans – Renaissance
M. Dominique FEISS
Mrs. Lola LEGRAND – Workers’ Struggle
M. Olivier MUNCH

6 candidates are running in this constituency:

Mr. Alexandre LOUBET – National Rally – outgoing
Mrs. Diane BOUSSET – Workers’ Struggle
Mr. Younès BOUCETTA – No label
Mr. Luc MULLER – The Ecologists (New Popular Front)
Mme Yasmine SELMANI – Parti radical – Ensemble

5 candidates are running in this constituency:

Mr. Laurent JACOBELLI – National Rally – outgoing
Ms. Annick JOLIVET – Workers’ struggle
Mrs. Céline LEGER – La France insoumise (New Popular Front)
Mrs. Raphaëlle ROSA – The Republicans
M. Samuel ZONATO – Renaissance

6 candidates are running in this constituency:

Ms. Isabelle RAUCH – Horizons – outgoing
Mr. Florent HAMMERSCHMITT – Reconquest
M. Laurent KOPP
Mr. Guy MAURHOFER – Workers’ struggle
Mr. Baptiste PHILIPPO – National gathering
Ms Brigitte VAÏSSE – Socialist Party (New Popular Front)



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