Legislative: in Toulouse, police forces authorized to use drones during election night

Legislative: in Toulouse, police forces authorized to use drones during election night
Legislative: in Toulouse, police forces authorized to use drones during election night


Lucie Fraisse

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 3:54 p.m.

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Pierre-Andre Durand, prefect of Haute-Garonneauthorized the police to use drones in a restricted area of ​​Toulouse, during this election night of the Legislative elections, Sunday June 30, 2024.

“Risk of disturbance of public order”

“The announcement of the results of the first round of early legislative elections may entail a risk of undeclared protest demonstrationsassociated with a risk of disturbances to public order, such as excesses or damage, as was observed during the European elections of June 9,” indicates the prefecture in a press release.

The risk of public order disturbances and the “high risk of attack” therefore led the prefect to authorize the use of drones by law enforcement, from 6 p.m. this Sunday evening and until 2 a.m..

In a limited area

“Law enforcement will be able to benefit from wide-angle vision to quickly identify and prevent risks of public order disturbances and attacks on the safety of people and property, while limiting the exposure of forces on the ground,” the prefecture specifies.

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An authorization which is however limited to a well-defined perimeterbetween the following routes:

  • Marquette Boulevard
  • boulevard des Minimes
  • Station Boulevard
  • Port Saint-Sauveur
  • avenue Crampel
  • avenue of the USSR
  • Jules-Julien Avenue
  • A620 motorway
  • A64 motorway
  • General Eisenhower Avenue
  • rainbow ring road
  • Lardenne Avenue
  • A620 motorway
  • boulevard de l’Embouchure

The perimeter established by the Haute-Garonne prefecture:

The perimeter in which law enforcement will be able to use drones in Toulouse during election night. (©Prefecture of Haute-Garonne)


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