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Results of the legislative elections in Lambersart: the 2024 election live

Results of the legislative elections in Lambersart: the 2024 election live
Results of the legislative elections in Lambersart: the 2024 election live

16:12 – The Lambersart particularity during the 2024 European elections

The results of this Sunday, June 30, may come closer to the balance established on June 9, during the election of the European deputies. It was Valérie Hayer who won in Lambersart during the recent elections of the European deputies, with 22.24% of the ballots. The list then outclassed that of Raphaël Glucksmann with 17.99% in the city. Jordan Bardella finished third, with 15.82%.

14:32 – Emmanuel Macron overtook Le Pen and Mélenchon in Lambersart in the first round of the last presidential election

It is undoubtedly the election of the head of state that is the most accurate indicator of the political leanings of the inhabitants of a municipality. It is noted that the RN had displayed more votes in the first round of the legislative elections two years ago in the municipality than Marine Le Pen herself during the election of the head of state. The candidate had gathered 11.68% in the first round in the city. In order, we nevertheless found Emmanuel Macron in the lead with 39.74%, followed by Jean-Luc Mélenchon with 21.28% and Marine Le Pen with 11.68%. The RN candidate had finally failed behind Emmanuel Macron in the second round (with 22.34% against 77.66%).

12:32 – Legislative elections that had smiled on the Ensemble bloc two years ago

The verdict of the most recent legislative election may seem like a key indicator at the time of the elections that are being played out. With 8.91% in Lambersart, the National Rally had been overtaken by the 35.11% of the LREM duo in the first round of the 2022 legislative elections. The commune only has one constituency on its territory, the 4th constituency of the North. In the second round, the RN also failed, leaving first place to the competitors bearing the La République en Marche label with 41.36% against 58.64% for the winners. Brigitte Liso therefore maintained her lead on site.

11:02 – Demographic analysis of the legislative elections in Lambersart

The demographic composition and socio-economic context of Lambersart determine the interests and concerns of residents, and therefore their influence on legislative elections. With a percentage of 37% of residents aged 0 to 29, and an unemployment rate of 10.48%, young people and job seekers constitute crucial demographic segments. In addition, the percentage of owner families (61.26%) highlights the importance of questions concerning housing and urbanization. The significant percentage of executives and higher intellectual professions, reaching 35.4%, reveals a population concerned with innovation, research and development. The number of single-parent families (17.85%) highlights the imperatives of family monitoring, and the rate of employees on fixed-term contracts (9.54%) highlights challenges of work stability. The student rate, estimated at 8.17% in Lambersart, highlights the presence of a young and dynamic population, seeking training and personal development.

09:32 – It’s time to make a choice in Lambersart for the legislative elections

The level of abstention will undoubtedly be one of the main factors in the 2024 legislative elections in Lambersart (59130). As a reminder, in the urban area, the participation rate in the 2022 legislative elections was 52.67% in the first round and only 52.29% in the second round. What will the participation rate be in Lambersart for the 2024 legislative elections? In April 2022, for the second round of the last presidential election, the participation rate rose to 75.36% of those registered on the electoral lists of the urban area, compared to a participation rate of 75.75% in the first round, which represented 15,518 people. The populations of large and medium-sized municipalities generally travel less than in small ones, can this reality change for the legislative elections?

08:02 – Opening and closing of polling stations in Lambersart

The legislative elections are an opportunity for Lambersart voters to make themselves heard on the way France is run. In the event that the Union of the Left or the National Rally obtains a majority of deputies in the Assembly, cohabitation could occur, forcing the Head of State to appoint a Prime Minister from an opposing political movement to govern. Among the forces present in the 4th constituency of the North, who will succeed in obtaining the most votes in Lambersart? It should be noted that the 19 polling stations in the city of Lambersart are closing at 18 hours for the counting. The dissemination of the results in Lambersart will begin here at 8 p.m.



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