Results of the legislative elections in Chatou: the 2024 election live

Results of the legislative elections in Chatou: the 2024 election live
Results of the legislative elections in Chatou: the 2024 election live

16:12 – RN overtaken in Chatou during European elections on June 9

Mentioning the results of the most recent election also seems logical when anticipating the vote on June 30. It was Valérie Hayer who won in Chatou during the last MEP elections, with 23.48% of the ballots. The list then doubled that of Raphaël Glucksmann with 15.46% in the commune. Jordan Bardella finished third, with 14.72%.

14:32 – Emmanuel Macron ahead of Le Pen and Mélenchon in Chatou in the first round of the presidential election

It is undoubtedly the presidential election which gives us the most reliable index of the preferences of the inhabitants of a municipality. With 9.73%, Marine Le Pen recorded too low a score in Chatou in the first round of the election for the President of the Republic two years ago. The head of the National Rally was beaten by Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon with 41.1% and 16.5% of the vote. And the RN candidate did not create a surprise in the second round with 21.7% against 78.3%.

12:32 – The result of the Macronists already decisive this evening

The result of the most recent legislative election is a valuable element at the time of today’s election. During the last legislative elections, the National Rally stumbled in the first round in the town of Chatou, accumulating 7.66% of the votes there, compared to 43.83% for Marie Lebec (Together! – Presidential majority). In the commune of Chatou, it is ultimately an LREM majority which will be preferred in the second round, completing the sidelining of the National Rally.

11:02 – Legislative elections in Chatou: impact of demography and the local economy

The demographic and socio-economic factors of Chatou highlight clear trends likely to influence the results of the legislative elections. Youth and job seekers play a crucial role in the agglomeration, with nearly 35% of the population being under 30 years old, and an unemployment rate of 8.2%. The high rate of executives and higher intellectual professions, representing 43.9%, is indicative of a population occupying professional positions often linked to strategic sectors. In addition, the presence of a foreign population of 9.52% and an immigrant population of 14.58% indicates issues of intercultural cohabitation. The student rate of 7.78% in Chatou highlights the presence of a young and dynamic population, likely to foster an environment conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship.

09:32 – What are the forecasts for abstention in the legislative elections in Chatou?

To better understand the vote of the voters of this city, it is necessary to study the results of the last electoral meetings. At the beginning of June, during the European elections, among the 20,753 registered on the electoral lists in Chatou, 60.06% took part in the vote. Participation was 57.3% in 2019. As a reminder, in the city, participation in the 2022 legislative elections reached 55.31% in the first round and only 52.29% in the second round. In April 2022, during the first round of the presidential election, 79.14% of people of voting age in the city went to the voting booth, compared to a participation of 75.69% in the second round , which represented 15,475 people.

08:02 – Elections in Chatou: polling station opening hours

Faced with the performance of the RN in the European elections, Emmanuel Macron announced early legislative elections in Chatou and throughout France. The dissolution orchestrated by Jacques Chirac in 1997 established cohabitation with Lionel Jospin. What impact will such a decision have this year? Among the forces present in the 4th constituency of Yvelines, who will manage to obtain the most votes in Chatou? It should be noted that the 16 polling stations in the town of Chatou are closing at 20 hours. Receive the election results in Chatou for free as soon as they are published by clicking on the ‘Activate results alerts’ button at the top of this page.



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