“Shame”, “lessons to learn”: the president of Bordeaux breaks the silence after the Top 14 final

“Shame”, “lessons to learn”: the president of Bordeaux breaks the silence after the Top 14 final
“Shame”, “lessons to learn”: the president of Bordeaux breaks the silence after the Top 14 final


Clement Mazella

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 3:50 p.m.

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“In the last quarter of an hour, we are completely humiliated. At the end, we had a more than bitter taste in our mouths and we were ashamed.” The president of Bordeaux-Bègles, Laurent Martiexpressed his sadness after the slap received in Marseille against Toulouse, suffering the heaviest defeat in the history of the French championship finals (59-3).

Laurent Marti’s disappointment

Near Olympic MiddayLaurent Marti is not mistaken: after a grueling season and many players in demand by the national teams, The Girondin group finished the season completely “cooked”. “It’s not the UBB that we saw in Marseille, but 23 players who no longer had any strength in them. That’s all.”

Lessons to learn

On Thursday, during the captain’s training, it was Laurent Marti, in shorts and a T-shirt, who we met, determined, and wanting to enjoy every moment among his players. Since Friday evening and the shipwreck against Toulouse, the Girondin president has tried above all to keep his head up to move forward. “There are lessons that we learn.”

“What Toulouse did, we were not able to do, that is to say win the doubles matches. […] If we don’t finish in the top two, it’s hard to aim for the title. Since 2018, no play-off player has been champion because the Top 14 is simply getting harder and harder. […] We are in a phase of building our club which is still young.”

Admiration towards Toulouse

If he admits to being optimistic, like manager Yannick Bru whose excellent speech must be highlighted after the Top 14 final, Laurent Marti would like to salute Stade Toulousain, a club he admires, as well as the work of Didier Lacroix.

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“I salute the fair play of Toulouse as I salute their victory. […] They were able to recruit versatile players, but above all, they trained young people. […] Toulouse is the Real Madrid of rugby. This club is a source of inspiration and I say it again. He works well, he succeeds.”

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