IN PICTURES. A new success for the Children’s Castle, a family paradise near Caen

IN PICTURES. A new success for the Children’s Castle, a family paradise near Caen
IN PICTURES. A new success for the Children’s Castle, a family paradise near Caen

“Have you guys ever played basketball?” » asks a group of young children, with baskets of different heights behind him. Here we go for an introduction to this sport. This scene is repeated again and again, in the park of the Château de Bénouville (Calvados), this Sunday morning, for the 7e edition of the Children’s Castle, organized by the Department of Calvados.

There were people there in the morning at the Château de Bénouville (Calvados) for the meeting called “Children’s Castle”. Here, the queue in front of the vast fire brigade village, which is always a success, Sunday June 30, 2024. | WEST FRANCE
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There were people from the morning at the Château de Bénouville (Calvados) for the event called “Château des enfants”. Here, the queue in front of the vast firefighters’ village, which is always a success, Sunday June 30, 2024. | OUEST-FRANCE
Simple but terribly effective: the bubble animation brought joy to young and old alike, at the Children’s Castle, organized at the Bénouville castle, near Caen (Calvados), Sunday June 30, 2024. | OUEST-FRANCE
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Simple but terribly effective: the bubble animation brought joy to young and old alike, at the Children’s Castle, organized at the Bénouville castle, near Caen (Calvados), Sunday June 30, 2024. | OUEST-FRANCE
Mission accomplished ! Sunday June 30, 2024, many children took to the fire stand at the ever-popular Château des enfants, at the Château de Bénouville (Calvados), to practice saving stuffed animals in distress. | WEST FRANCE
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Mission accomplished ! Sunday June 30, 2024, many children took to the fire stand at the ever-popular Château des enfants, at the Château de Bénouville (Calvados), to practice saving stuffed animals in distress. | WEST FRANCE

As the Paris Olympic Games approach, the values ​​of Olympism and sport are to be discovered with numerous workshops. Around fifteen thematic villages are in place.

” It’s awesome “

The firefighters’ one, as soon as the castle gates are opened, is already full. Families wait to invite children to play firefighters by saving a large stuffed animal or climbing into the red trucks. The youngsters no longer know where to turn on the Bénouville estate.

Families are still loyal to the Château des enfants, for a day full of activities to discover for free at the Château de Bénouville (Calvados), here at the end of the morning, Sunday June 30, 2024. | OUEST-FRANCE
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Families are always loyal to the Château des enfants, for a day full of activities to discover for free at the Château de Bénouville (Calvados), here at the end of the morning, Sunday June 30, 2024. | WEST FRANCE
The Children’s Castle is organized by the Calvados Department every two years, at the Bénouville castle, at the gates of Caen. Here on the morning of Sunday, June 30, 2024, on the occasion of the 7th edition of the event. | OUEST-FRANCE
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The Children’s Castle is organized by the Department of Calvados every two years, at the Château de Bénouville, on the outskirts of Caen. Here on the morning of Sunday June 30, 2024, on the occasion of the 7th edition of the event. | WEST FRANCE
Many sporting activities are offered at the Château des enfants, in Bénouville (Calvados), this Sunday, June 30, 2024. Climbing walls, for example, allow you to get started in the open air. | WEST FRANCE
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Many sports activities are offered at the Château des enfants, in Bénouville (Calvados), this Sunday, June 30, 2024. Climbing walls, for example, allow you to learn outdoors. | OUEST-FRANCE

Fortunately, no less than 260 agents from the Calvados departmental council are volunteers to animate and guide as best they can, at the heart of this festive day, under the sun.

“We came with our three children, aged 7, 5 and 1. We are from Caen and we come to every edition”testifies Oriane, mother, while observing her offspring having fun on BMX bikes. “It’s great, they can do lots of different things. We’ll go to the fire station later if there aren’t too many people. Another must this year: climbing!”

As soon as the Bénouville castle park (Calvados) opened, the Children’s Castle was full. This is the 7th edition of the event, with many activities to discover for free. | WEST FRANCE
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As soon as the Bénouville castle park (Calvados) opened, the Children’s Castle was full. This is the 7th edition of the event, with many activities to discover for free. | WEST FRANCE
The Château des enfants cycling village also benefited from dream weather on the morning of Sunday June 30, 2024, at the Château de Bénouville, near Caen (Calvados). | WEST FRANCE
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The Château des enfants cycling village also benefited from dream weather on the morning of Sunday June 30, 2024, at the Château de Bénouville, near Caen (Calvados). | WEST FRANCE
Thousands of people turned out as soon as the doors of the Château des enfants opened, at the Château de Bénouville (Calvados), on Sunday June 30, 2024, to take advantage of the workshops and initiations offered but also to attend beautiful sporting and artistic demonstrations. | OUEST-FRANCE
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Thousands of people turned out as soon as the doors of the Château des enfants opened, at the Château de Bénouville (Calvados), on Sunday June 30, 2024, to take advantage of the workshops and initiations offered but also to attend beautiful sporting and artistic demonstrations. | OUEST-FRANCE

Presence of several mascots from local clubs, cycling village, cultural village, mini-reporters’ stand to cover the event… It is impossible to list here everything that was gathered for the happiness of young and old. One thing is certain, success was there again. Organized every two years, the Children’s Castle is used to bringing together nearly 10,000 people.

On the village of culture, at the Château des enfants, organized at the Château de Bénouville (Calvados), Sunday June 30, 2024. | WEST FRANCE
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On the village of culture, at the Children’s Castle, organized at the Château de Bénouville (Calvados), Sunday June 30, 2024. | OUEST-FRANCE
The Children’s Castle, an event organized at the Bénouville castle on Sunday June 30, 2024, included a mini-inflatable castle and a toddler village. | WEST FRANCE
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The Children’s Castle, an event organized at the Bénouville castle on Sunday June 30, 2024, included a mini-inflatable castle and a toddler village. | WEST FRANCE


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