This tip to implement from July is the best to get rid of rodents in the garden this summer 2024

This tip to implement from July is the best to get rid of rodents in the garden this summer 2024
This tip to implement from July is the best to get rid of rodents in the garden this summer 2024

The fine weather is also an opportunity to see again some undesirables who had been discreet during the long winter months. This is how the rodents have reappeared in the gardens since the beginning of spring. And if you want to get rid of it, this trick should allow you to be at peace this summer.

It is easiest to observe them at nightfall. Ratsmice, voles and others field mice come out of their burrows in search of food. It is then possible to see them invade the garden and frolic without being disturbed. And the presence of these small animals can quickly take the form of a real invasion when you know their speed of reproduction.

There is an important tip to get rid of rodents in the garden

For example, the gray mouse is capable of giving birth to up to 15 litters per year with a maximum of 18 mice. It is therefore essential to react quickly or risk having to abandon your garden to rodents that are not really welcome. To combat the phenomenon, the best solution is above all the prevention.

Indeed, there is no secret. A tidy garden and maintained is the best way to encourage them to move or move on. It is therefore necessary to eliminate anything that could serve as a refuge for them. This is the case for Wood pileincluding cut branches in which these unwanted people will find a natural shelter. It is also important to trim bushes and hedges to show that you “occupy the land”. You can also go around the house and possibly block fissures or cracks along the walls.

crédit photo : Shutterstock A mouse is hiding in the grass in the garden

You need to make your garden an inhospitable place for rodents

You should mow your lawn regularly and not leave parts of your garden untended. wasteland. Disturbed in their tranquility, the rodents will quickly leave the premises. The sources of food easily accessible are also a boon for these pests. This could be the pet bowl left outside or the seeds for the birds whose bags are lying around on the terrace.

Although it is not always easy to observe them, it is possible to find traces of their passage. This can be droppings, but also holes in the garden. Mice do not dig galleries unlike rats, but they use existing tunnels. And once the places of passageyou just have to use repellents natural.

Rodents have a particularly developed sense of smell

Rodents indeed have a smell developed which helps them find food. Experts estimate that rats have a sense of smell 300 times more powerful than that of humans. But they do not appreciate certain smells strong. This is the case of the pepper and cloves, but also peppermint which can be used in the form of essential oil.

crédit photo : Shutterstock A rat eating seeds

Many plants can be placed in the garden to make it an inhospitable place. This is the case of angelica, hyacinth or bay leaf. Planted in strategic locations, They disturb pests with their smell. And if all these tips aren’t enough, all you have to do is adopt a cat… or call on a professional of rodent control.



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