Mobilization necessary for blood donations as holidays and Olympic Games approach

Mobilization necessary for blood donations as holidays and Olympic Games approach
Mobilization necessary for blood donations as holidays and Olympic Games approach

On the eve of the summer holidays, the French Blood Establishment invites people who can donate blood to make an appointment.

The impact of the upcoming elections on the organization of collections and the approach of the Olympic Games make a surge in mobilization particularly necessary.
The French Blood Establishment (EFS) invites all people able to donate to get involved now. Blood requirements are daily, particularly because blood products have a limited lifespan (only seven days for platelets, 42 days for red blood cells).

Appointments possible in the Don Houses

140,000 appointments for a blood donation are still to be filled throughout France by mid-July?!

If you are over 18 and under 70, and weigh more than 50 kg, you are in principle able to donate blood.

The months of July and August are a delicate period for the reserves of blood products, because the attention of citizens is turned to other subjects and away from donating blood. Furthermore, during this summer break, the EFS must deprive itself of collections on campus or in companies which generally bring it 15 to 20% of its annual donations.

Also, this summer, France will host the Olympic and Paralympic Games, extraordinary events that will have an impact on the availability of donors and the organization of collections, which is based on solidarity between regions. If, throughout the year, 20% of donations collected in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté are sent to the national regulatory unit, this proportion is likely to increase this summer. It is therefore all summer that we will have to mobilize for blood donation.

Donation house in Nevers, at the Pierre-Bérégovoy Hospital Center. Telephone:



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