Roads closed, trees fallen, firefighters intervene: the latest on storms in Moselle

Roads closed, trees fallen, firefighters intervene: the latest on storms in Moselle
Roads closed, trees fallen, firefighters intervene: the latest on storms in Moselle

“The sky suddenly darkened”testify many Mosellans, this Saturday evening. Many also mention lightning that splits the sky only a few seconds apart. In the early evening, storms began to hit the department, causing damage in places.

According to an initial assessment drawn up by the Prefecture at 11:20 p.m., firefighters intervened 132 times in the department this Saturday evening. They did not report any injuries.

Power cuts, trees down on roads

This Saturday evening, 30 Moselle municipalities are without power, which represents 4900 homes without electricity. Trees have fallen on the roads in places, particularly on both lanes of the A4, at Grundviller, or on the A31, at the Richemont junctionin the Luxembourg-Nancy direction.

In detail, incidents are reported in many municipalities, and all are taken into account to clear the roads on which trees or branches have fallen. The Prefecture explains that this is the case in the following places:

  • D910 between Faulquemont and Mainvillers
  • D24 between Faulquemont and Vahl-lès-Faulquemont
  • Blies-Guersville, main street
  • D74 between Bisten and Boulay
  • A4 motorway at Grundviller on both lanes
  • Metz Sablon
  • D913 between Fleury and Verny
  • D52 between Bronvaux and St Privat La Montagne
  • D44 Abreschviller towards Donon
  • A31 Luxembourg-Nancy bifurcation Richemont
  • D57A between Oeutrange and Thionville
In Marspich, near Hayange, the storm started around 9 p.m.
Bubulle Boncar / Facebook

Many events canceled as a precaution

In the late afternoon, when the forecasts suggested wind gusts of 120 km/h and hailstones the size of ping-pong ballsthe Moselle Prefecture had decided to cancel all planned outdoor events as a precaution.

Tips for limiting risks in the event of a storm

The Moselle Prefecture reminds us of some common sense measures to stay safe and avoid straining firefighters who are already very busy.

  • Limit your movements and take shelter;
  • Adapt the speed of your vehicle to the condition of the road and visibility, particularly when crossing wooded areas (falling trees or branches);
  • Do not take shelter under an umbrella, under trees or against a wall
  • Take shelter in a solid building;
  • Protect property exposed to wind or that may be flooded;
  • Do not touch any electrical wires that have fallen to the ground;
  • Only call 18 if absolutely necessary.
Mosellans were able to capture impressive photos of lightning, like that of Mélissa, in Metz-Vallières.
Melissa Carru
On the Moyeuvre-Grande side, Nadine explains to France Bleu Lorraine that she observed a real deluge
Na Dine / Facebook


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