“subversive and bucolic” opera in the heart of a ruin, 1 hour from Strasbourg!

“subversive and bucolic” opera in the heart of a ruin, 1 hour from Strasbourg!
“subversive and bucolic” opera in the heart of a ruin, 1 hour from Strasbourg!

It is in the heart of Green Alsace, about 1 hour north of Strasbourg, that the Jaegerthal Forges have been built since 1602. Abandoned for a long time, they have come back to life since 2019, thanks to the ambition of a festival “poetic, subversive and bucolic” : La Voix des Forges. Inviting opera into an atypical setting, the festival brings both the Forges and the region to life, with an ambitious and curious human project. Starting this weekend, the sixth edition will take its audience into an offbeat cabaret spirit!

The editorial of Céline Mellon – director and founder of La Voix des Forges as well as a soprano in several operas presented this summer – reminds us that this festival brings together just as many spectators in stiletto heels as in hiking boots. Last year, it was no less than 1,700 festival-goers, “informed amateurs” as “big opera fans”.

The ambition of the festival? Since 2019: democratizing the “lyrical world”develop a local and human projectall in enhancing the territory in which it fits: the Forges of Jaegerthal (Niederbronn-Les-Bains).

La Voix des Forges, 2023 © Indriss Huqi / Document submitted

These “Forges”, built in 1602 at the foot of the Northern Vosges by a certain Adam Jaeger have a turbulent history. Destroyed for the first time by the Thirty Years’ War (in 1631), then passed from hand to hand and restored, until they resumed activity and developed… They were interrupted for a time by the French Revolution, then flourished again thanks to Amélie de Dietrich, until so fine an 1885.

Definitively closed in 1890, it was Céline Mellon – previously mentioned – one of her descendants and lyrical artist who had the idea ofestablish an annual festival there in 2019 : The Voice of the Forges. An initiative which tends to to revive the place, as in its “golden age”.

What Voice? Programming

Since then, the festival is in its sixth edition, and continues to grow. Both by the projects and the attendance. If that of 2023 saw the birth of the Opéra des Industries – and its choir –; this 2024 edition, it restarts this Friday, with an opening concert in carte blanche format: ” Love is a rebellious bird “. A theme “inexhaustible at the opera”which will be performed by guest artists.

To complete this first weekend: the Alsatian company ofpocket opera The Air Chamber propose to “a dusted-down and screamingly current version of Rigoletto based on Verdi’s opera » (Sunday 7).

The Voice of the Forges, 2023 © Indriss Huqi / Document provided

The following weekend (July 10, 12 and 13), La Voix des Forges is making way for CarmenBizet’s legendary opera, one of the most performed lyrical works in the world.

For the festival, the artists will make a cabaret version rereading behind closed doors (suiting the setting of the Forges), accompanied by the Choir of Industries. ” A production made in Alsace which will see the Forges transformed into a cabaret around ten singers, thirty choristers and thirteen musicians who will take us on a tragically enchanting work… ».

The Opera of Industries and its Choir of Industries

Created last year, The Opéra des Industries is a unique initiativeWho “ provokes of the unexpected encounters between residents, volunteers, young people in technical training, local choristers and professional artists”. In short : « a human adventure most inspiring »explains the festival.

La Voix des Forges, 2023 © Indriss Huqi / Document submitted

He is joined by the Choir of Industries who will sing at his side, Carmenthis month. But what is this Choir? A “cooperative and local project” who wishes « “bringing enchantment, connection and creativity back into everyday life” we read about him.

To constitute it, a call was launched for volunteers: of the “local personalities” desiring invest in the creation of a professional show…Since the fall, these are thirty choristers “loyal, joyful and motivated” who joined the adventure. A “a big first in the Northern Vosges”the festival emphasizes. And a good idea for an outing for anyone who would like to escape Strasbourg in the coming days, especially since Alsace Verte has lots of other strings to its bow.

Quoi ?

Music festival in the Jaegerthal Forges

When ?

July 5, 7, 10, 12 and 13

Or ?

At the Jaegerthal Forges
Road from Obersteinbach to Niederbronn-Les-Bains (Jaegerthal)

More informations ?

Site internet

La Voix des Forges, 2023 © Indriss Huqi / Document submitted


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