Paris 2024: “green” Olympics, really?

Paris 2024: “green” Olympics, really?
Paris 2024: “green” Olympics, really?

The Olympic symbols on the Eiffel Tower. JF ROLLINGER / ONLY FRANCE VIA AFP

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Decryption While the organizers claim to be able to halve the carbon footprint of the Olympic Games, we already know that this promise cannot be kept. The reason ? CO₂ emissions generated by spectators’ plane journeys.

It is one of the flagship promises of the 2024 Olympic Games: its organizing committee has committed to halving the greenhouse gas emissions generated by the competition, compared to the average of the London (2012) and Rio (2016) Summer Games. While around 3.5 million tons of CO2 were emitted during each of these two competitions, Paris 2024 ensures for its part that it will not exceed 1.58 million tonnes of CO2. Which would be a real feat: it would even be less than the 2021 Tokyo Games (1.96 tonnes), which were nevertheless organized in the middle of Covid, therefore without spectators!

Can this promise really be kept? We must first praise the indisputable efforts made by the organizers on certain broadcasting stations, starting with the construction. Unlike a number of previous applications, which were forced to make huge investments, the Paris 2024 project is based on 95% infrastructure. “already existing or temporary”. A considerable advantage, since it helps to limit emissions…

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