TV rights: Italy watches Ligue 1 and cries

TV rights: Italy watches Ligue 1 and cries
TV rights: Italy watches Ligue 1 and cries

Less than two months before the restart, Ligue 1 still does not have a broadcaster for next season. The Professional Football League is unable to find a buyer for its TV rights. A situation that alerts Italian observers worried about experiencing a similar situation in the years to come.

The more time passes, the more worrying the situation becomes. While the resumption of the competition is fast approaching, the Professional Football League has still not sold its TV rights for next season. The body led by Vincent Labrune is seriously considering creating its own channel urgently. To explain this fiasco, we must go back a few years, when Mediapro, much too ambitious, had not respected its commitments.

Enough to alert the Italian journalist Paolo Ziliani, convinced that the increase in prices of Serie A broadcasters could lead to similar chaos. If there are too few subscribers, everything collapses.warned media specialist Il Fatto Quotidiano on the social network X. This happened in 2021 in France where Mediapro, which dreamed of 3.5 million customers, found itself with 600,000, abandoned everything and went bankrupt. But it could soon happen here too given that the policy followed by our broadcasters is to bleed more of the few surviving subscribers every year. »

Italian broadcasters raise prices

« After the further reckless and unjustified increase in DAZN subscription prices, with the start of the new football season (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025), Sky’s increases have also arrived, to the tune of 20%. We must hope that Italian football leaders know what they are doing, because the risk of ending up with even fewer subscribers – sucking the blood of the few survivors – is very high. (…) It is clear that the risk is that DAZN could find itself facing the end caused by Mediapro in France: too few subscribers and loss-making business ” imagined the journalist.



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