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Lunel: Lunel Dynamics celebrates the end of the first phase of work

Lunel: Lunel Dynamics celebrates the end of the first phase of work
Lunel: Lunel Dynamics celebrates the end of the first phase of work

The merchants’ association is offering two festive opportunities this Saturday, June 29, to stroll through the first arteries of the redeveloped city center. Follow the guide.

Marie-Thérèse Séverac, president of the La Dynamique Lunelloise merchants’ association and the dozen members of the board had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Needless to say, the pessimistic weather forecast for Saturday, June 29, was not going to make them give up celebrating in their own way, that is, festive and commercial, the liberation of construction equipment from Cours Péri, Place Louis Rey, Rue du capitaine Ménard, Place des Caladons, Rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Place Jean-Moulin and, since last year, Rue de la Libération.

Two animations or nothing

At the initiative of the traders and with the support of Lunel Agglo, the City, the CCI, the CMA, two festivals will therefore liven up these streets from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. “After this first long period of work, our objective is, without delay, to bring people back into the city centre and for them to discover the heart of Lunel”enthuses Marie-Thérèse Séverac.
From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., the Dynamique luneloise is first organizing its first summer craft market. An unprecedented initiative which was to attract 54 exhibitors (around ten announced this Friday their intention to give up their presence due to the weather forecast). Designers of jewelry, ceramics, terrariums, leather workers, professionals specializing in baby accessories… will set up shop in the city center all day long.

A tour in the heart of the city

“We positioned these stands by imagining a circuit that will allow visitors to travel through the city center”specifies the president of Dynamique Lunelloise. The exhibitors will thus invest the Cours Péri, the Place de la République, a central part of the Rue de la Libération and the Passage de Libération aux Caladons. Two musical times will mark this craft market: first in the morning (9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.), the peña pescalune Mithra will wander around town then, from 3 p.m., three musical “scenes” and three atmospheres will animate the Cours Péri (at the level of the forecourt of the market halls) with the Lunelloise singer Véronique Moulette, the Place de la République with the guitarist and jazzman Alain Barbeiro and finally Rue de la Libération, at the level of the premises of the traders’ association, with carte blanche to the music school.

Seven wine estates to taste in the evening

Barely have the stands of the craft market started to fold the parasols when the other event of the day will begin: the 2nd Muscat festival which La Dynamique is organizing, like last year, in partnership with the company J & J Events from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. A party that “expands, expands and renews itself”, summarizes Marie-Thérèse Séverac. Concretely, the purchase of a pack for €10 will allow you to obtain a glass and will give you the right to two tastings among the 7 winegrowers from the region (read below) present. The latter will be located on Place Louis Rey, the square in front of the Notre-Dame-du-Lac church and the Caladons. They will not be alone since the public who wishes to extend the tasting with local products will be able to eat at the 8 food stands run by Lunel traders. “Those who, after tasting, prefer to take their time and sit down at the nearby restaurants will also be able to do so”adds the president of the traders’ association.
The Muscat festival will not only be full of drinks and food, but it will also feature music, since on Place des Caladons, Salsalune will get the public dancing, as will DJ Alex on Place Louis-Rey.

Obviously, both events will adapt to the situation in case of bad weather.



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