“Jordan Bardella, by ironizing the figure of Jean Moulin, tore up the entire image of respectability that this party claims to offer to the French”

“Jordan Bardella, by ironizing the figure of Jean Moulin, tore up the entire image of respectability that this party claims to offer to the French”
“Jordan Bardella, by ironizing the figure of Jean Moulin, tore up the entire image of respectability that this party claims to offer to the French”

EIn an exclamation, during the debate on Thursday, June 27, the National Rally (RN), through the voice of its leader and contender for the Hôtel de Matignon, tore apart the entire image of respectability that this party claims to offer the French. In response to the warnings of the First Secretary of the Socialist Party (PS) on the risk of denaturalization of French people of foreign origin that would result from a victory of the RN and a far-right government, Jordan Bardella ironically said with a smile that was both mocking and chilling: “That’s it: Jean Moulin is back! »

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Everything is said. Not only about the idea that the extreme right has of Jean Moulin and the Resistance reduced to the status of a joke. But also, about the obsession that the RN maintains for the past of the fight against Nazism and for collaboration. And even, everything is said about the relationship of Marine Le Pen’s training with history.

Jordan Bardella actually indulges in the luxury of a good word, with clear personal satisfaction, seizing the opportunity to ridicule this New Popular Front which has set out to attack the new fascist and Nazi enemy that the RN would embody today. For him, this left-wing coalition lives in the past and in incantation, with a few icons that only call for contempt.

Historical and political ignorance

By acting in this way, the self-appointed prime minister (in the event of electoral victory) reveals his ignorance, both historical and political. Historical, because research on Jean Moulin has clearly established his capital role in the Resistance, in the liberation and refoundation of France to which the National Council of the Resistance [organisme, fondé par Jean Moulin en 1943, qui dirige et coordonne les différents mouvements de la Résistance intérieure française pendant la seconde Guerre mondiale] makes a major contribution – we can refer Jordan Bardella to the Jean Moulin museum or to that of the Order of Liberation, or to many particularly well-documented studies.

Politics, because the example and figure of Jean Moulin were a cement of post-Second World War national history, from the libertarian and communist left to the Gaullists, including the socialists – including Léon Blum and André Philip – and the radicals like Pierre Mendès France. Let us recall in this regard the preface that General de Gaulle, in 1947, gave to the posthumous collection of his general delegate, Premier combatand of course the speech that André Malraux delivered on December 19, 1964 for the transfer of his ashes to the Pantheon.

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