IN PICTURES – The Amiens Pride March brings together 3,000 people

IN PICTURES – The Amiens Pride March brings together 3,000 people
IN PICTURES – The Amiens Pride March brings together 3,000 people

Around 3,000 people, according to the organizers, took part in the Pride March in Amiens this Saturday, June 29. With a loop starting from the Maison de Culture, the circuit took several streets in the city center. A festive and colorful organization, which also took on a political dimension just a few hours before the first round of the legislative elections this Sunday, June 30.For us the objective of the day is to to say that we exist and that we are not just a marginal part of society“, explains Maxime Bouton, active member of the association “Flash Our True Colors” who participated in the organization of this march. A desire felt and shared within the procession.

Like Lise, many demonstrators see the Pride March as a celebration. © Radio France
Lison Bourgeois

“The pride march really has two counterparts. The first is very militant, which wants to commemorate the Stonewall riots,” begins Maxime Bouton, active member of the “Flash Our True Colors” association. He refers to the night of June 27-28, 1969, when guests at the Stonewall Inn, one of the few gay bars in New York, rebelled after a police raid. A founding event in the fight for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community.

The Amiens Pride March started on the same day as the Parisian Pride. © Radio France
Lison Bourgeois

Then Maxime Bouton, volunteer from the “Flash Our True Colors” association, this walk also wants to bring together members of the community in joy and good humor. We celebrate the victories we have been able to have thanks to certain people who died for our rights.he summarizes.


An associative village was also held all day on Place Léon Gontier, the starting and finishing point of the March. © Radio France
Lison Bourgeois

“The only place I can be myself”

“I like being here, because for me it’s kind of the only place where I can let loose and be myself,” Louanna confides. At 13, she defines herself as “gender fluid“, that is to say that their gender identity evolves according to situations and is not permanent. “[La Marche des Fiertés]It is one of the only places you can walk around knowing no one will judge you and you will even receive compliments!”she explains, recounting the oppressive stares she experienced at her school.

According to event organizers, the march was attended by 3,000 people. Compared to 3,500 last year. © Radio France
Lison Bourgeois

Other associations, such as SOS Homophobie or Nous Toutes, were also present at the associative village organized this Saturday, June 29 in front of the Maison de la culture. An event that also brought the community together, as observed by Léna, 17, who is participating in a Pride March for the first time. She is bisexual, meaning she is attracted to both men and women. I definitely feel less alone, then I tell myself that we are full. It’s a strength!”, she enthuses. Then she concludes: “It’s a party, it’s so good!”



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