“Very precise specifications to be respected”: discover the KNDS shell manufacturing plant in Seneffe

“Very precise specifications to be respected”: discover the KNDS shell manufacturing plant in Seneffe
“Very precise specifications to be respected”: discover the KNDS shell manufacturing plant in Seneffe

The Franco-German arms group KNDS, specialized in land defense, recently formalized the creation of a subsidiary in Ukraine. With its production site in Seneffe, managed by Christophe Monnier, KNDS stands out for the manufacture of shell ammunition of different sizes and calibers, intended mainly for land uses.

KNDS produces various types of ammunition, ranging from 80mm mortars to 155mm shells. The differences between the calibers are mainly reflected in the range: a 120 mm mortar can reach a distance of eleven kilometers, while an 80 mm mortar has a range of around five to six kilometers. The shells made in Seneffe can even exceed a meter in height.

The Seneffe factory is renowned for its advanced production methods. Christophe Monnier explains: “We start with a metal plate or a metal tube that we shape into an ogive shape.“These operations require extreme precision, often to the hundredth of a millimeter, to guarantee the performance of the ammunition. “If we want to be sure that the ammunition achieves its performance, we have very precise specifications to respect,” he adds on bel RTL in the show “They deserve to be in the newspaper”.

An employee assembles a 120 mm shell

Strict regulation

The ammunition trade is subject to strict international regulations, requiring government approval for each transaction. This rule aims to ensure that ammunition is used only in defensive contexts and not for aggression.

Obus de 120 mm

The manufacture of shells in Seneffe requires a series of safety precautions. The production sheds, hidden in the woods, are equipped with safety showers to extinguish any fires: “We work with pyrotechnic materials which present a significant risk of flammability”. In addition, the plant uses numerically controlled machines to ensure extreme precision, essential to guarantee the performance of the ammunition.

Before delivering the ammunition, KNDS carries out numerous tests to validate the raw materials and finished products. These tests take place on a firing range in Portugal, where a specialized team carries out daily firings to test the range, accuracy and penetration of the shells.

A new production line

In response to increased demand from many European governments and the European Commission, KNDS is investing in a new production line for 155 mm shells, which are particularly in demand in Ukraine. This new line, which will be operational in less than a year, will enable the Seneffe plant to produce around a third of the group’s overall capacity.

155mm shell

With over 300 employees, the Seneffe plant represents a major investment for the local economy. The shells, once manufactured, are transported around the world via secure convoys that strictly comply with the regulations for the transport of explosive materials.

Find the full interview with Christophe Monnier in the show “They deserve to be in the newspaper” on RTL play.

KNDS Bel RTL They deserve to be in the newspaper Benjamin Maréchal Christophe Monnier Ukraine



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