How CNews and Europe 1 manage to balance airtime while favoring the right and the far right – Libération

How CNews and Europe 1 manage to balance airtime while favoring the right and the far right – Libération
How CNews and Europe 1 manage to balance airtime while favoring the right and the far right – Libération


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Legislative elections 2024dossier

According to Arcom’s surveys, and despite two formal notices targeting Cyril Hanouna’s show on Europe 1, Bolloré’s media outlets have managed to comply with the fairness of speaking time imposed as part of the campaign. All the while maintaining a very right-wing programming.

This is a counter-intuitive verdict to say the least. According to the Arcom surveys, CNews and Europe 1 have respected the fairness of airtime since the beginning of the campaign. And this despite a widely documented right-wing drift. Several press investigations have been devoted to the positioning of Europe 1 since the beginning of the campaign. A positioning that earned the station two letters from Arcom, in view of Cyril Hanouna’s new show. However, therefore, the balance of airtime between the main political movements seems to be respected. As it is on CNews, whose inclination is no longer in doubt.

In the context of the campaign for the legislative elections (the first round of which is held on Sunday June 30), to carry out its mission of preserving the fairness of speaking times, Arcom requires the channels placed under its control to ‘they send him a “counting of the intervention times of political figures in the various programs produced (newspapers, magazines and others)”. On a daily basis, the channels concerned are therefore required to note “speaking times of candidates, political parties and groups and their supporters” since they “deal with the campaign el



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