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Matthieu Jalibert and the Bordeaux nightmare in the Top 14 final

Matthieu Jalibert and the Bordeaux nightmare in the Top 14 final
Matthieu Jalibert and the Bordeaux nightmare in the Top 14 final

Barely had the curtain fallen on the Top 14 final, which saw Toulouse’s crushing victory against Bordeaux-Bègles with a clear score of 59-3, Matthew Jalibertthe UBB fly-half, could not hide his dismay during a hot reaction to the Canal+ microphone.

” It’s a nightmare “

Matthew Jalibert

Confess Jalibert, visibly dejected by the turn of events. Despite their determination and the many sacrifices made to reach this stage of the competition, the Bordeaux players came up against an imprescriptible Toulouse team, justifying their supremacy by a points gap rarely seen at this level.

Preparing against all odds

What adds to the tragic dimension of this final for the UBB is the, to say the least, unexpected preparation of Matthew JalibertThe latter thought his season was over, but on Monday, just before the final, he was given the hope of participating in the ultimate match.

“I did everything to play”

Matthew Jalibert

He says, despite a reduced capacity, being “virtually unable to accelerate”.

The honor paid to Toulouse

Faced with defeat, Matthew Jalibert does not lack professionalism and pays tribute to the winners:

“Congratulations to the people of Toulouse”

Matthew Jalibert

Toulouse, better prepared and, visibly« much stronger“, deserves its title, in the words of the Bordeaux opener.

Solidarity despite the ordeal

In these moments of disarray, the thoughts of Jalibert go towards his teammates, ” disgusted for the group“, and to the supporters who made the journey to Marseille to support their team.

The cruel scenario of this final suggests a period of questioning and construction for the Girondins team, which will have to recover from this ordeal to come back stronger in the future.

In this bitter context, the Top 14 closes on a dramatic note for UBB, while Toulouse celebrates its new coronation. For Bordeaux, the time has come for reconstruction, with the hope that the horrors of this nightmarish final will forge the character and determination necessary to face the challenges to come.

Photo: Hugo Pfeiffer/Icon Sport



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