Meaux: Teenager raped by man under order to leave the country

Meaux: Teenager raped by man under order to leave the country
Meaux: Teenager raped by man under order to leave the country


Paul Varenguin

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 12:29 a.m.

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The trauma will be etched in his memory forever. Thursday June 27, 2024at the very beginning of the afternoon, a adolescent aged around fifteen was taken by a man to an apartment in the city center of Meaux (Seine-et-Marne), in which she was allegedly raped. A ” investigation in flagrante delicto of the charge of rape entrusted to the interdepartmental judicial police service of Seine-et-Marne” has been opened, already confirms the Meaux public prosecutor’s office.

A man arrested

According to the first elements, the teenager would have been followed by her attacker, before being taken by force into the apartment.

After having lived the horror, The girl, born in Ukraine, is said to have managed to flee the apartment, “while his attacker was showering”, indicates Jean-Baptiste Bladier, the public prosecutor of Meaux.

Despite the atrocities she had experienced a few minutes earlier, the teenager would have had the presence of mind totake the passport with him in his flight of his attacker, thus allowing the police to identify him. “The latter, already sentenced in particular for acts of sexual assault and subject to an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF), was arrested and is currently in police custody,” he continues in a press release.

The man will be referred at the Meaux public prosecutor’s office this Saturday June 29, “with a view to opening a judicial investigation into the charge of rape. The prosecution will request his placement in pre-trial detention,” concludes Jean-Baptiste Bladier.

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