Toulouse – Bordeaux-Bègles – Top 14 final scores: Antoine Dupont and Jack Willis stratospheric, Ben Tameifuna surpassed

Toulouse – Bordeaux-Bègles – Top 14 final scores: Antoine Dupont and Jack Willis stratospheric, Ben Tameifuna surpassed
Toulouse – Bordeaux-Bègles – Top 14 final scores: Antoine Dupont and Jack Willis stratospheric, Ben Tameifuna surpassed

In this final, the Toulousains were two or three classes ahead of the Bordelais where only Depoortère seemed to float a little. Opposite Dupont and Willis were untouchable.

15. Thomas Ramos 8.5/10

Author of 20 points, he became during this match the best scorer in the final of the history of the French championship, and the best scorer in the history of Stade Toulousain tout court. This sufficiently places the man, who also effectively covered the back of the field, and especially scored a magnificent double in the last quarter of an hour.

14. Juan-Cruz Mallia 5.5/10

His ability to improve every ball he touches has become proverbial. In the shadows, he carried out two decisive actions in the first three Toulouse attempts, with good support on Mauvaka (20e) and an offload for Dupont (23e). His performance was, however, tarnished by an uncontrolled tackle on Bielle-Biarrey, which logically earned him a yellow card. Replaced by Angel Capuozzo at 69ewho scored the trifle of a 100-meter try in stoppage time. The tenth and last…

13. Santiago Chocobares 6/10

Author of a “hole” when receiving the kick-off, and that was his only mistake. He causes Tatafu’s yellow card in the 8theand has generally brought his density to Matthieu Jalibert’s zone. The Blues will not be happy to cross his path in Argentina in a few days…

12. Pita Ahki 7/10

Disappointing in the semi-final and still struggling with his adductors, he nevertheless fulfilled his mission, namely to regulate the Toulouse defense against the presumed best attack in the Top 14, particularly on the launch of play. Offensively, he picked up the pace as the match went on, with an approximate kicking game (50e) for flow only. Replaced by Paul Costes at 65every selfless five minutes later on Kinghorn’s try.

11. Blair Kinghorn 6,5/10

Kept on the wing to cover the Girondins’ high balls, he showed reassuring sobriety, even if purists could criticize him for remaining a little too glued to his wing in attack. On the other hand, he blocked Damian Penaud in defense, which remains a feat in itself… Author of a try in the 70theon yet another counter-murderer.

10. Romain Ntamack 7/10

Shaken several times by Tatafu at the start of the match, he sometimes rushed into the animation at the start of the match, his gestures or choices not always having been right. He was however the author of a pure flash of genius at the 64thewith a breakthrough at Dupont height adorned with a perfect left-footed kick to follow for Ramos.

9. Antoine Dupont 9/10

Not only did he end his “curse” on the Vélodrome pitch, but he also scored the first tries in the final of his career, including a pure masterpiece in the 23rd minutee decorated with a small overcoat. It’s simple, the Toulouse captain is in such a state of grace that even his errors (clearance blocked at the 16e then in a dead ball at the 29epasses for nobody at 27e) never have any consequences. The way he weighed in and made his partners play around the rucks was a marvel. Replaced by Paul Graouunder a standing ovation at the 71e.

8. Alexandre Roumat 7.5/10

Still as valuable in touch, he hampered the UBB line-up, with almost two tries to the key (the first by Dupont, and the one refused to Mauvaka before half-time). Sometimes suffering on the advantage line (two forwards in contact), he nevertheless made up for it with a good contest (26e) and gestures always correct on game restarts. Replaced by Clement Verge at 65eauthor of the interception on Kinghorn’s try (70e).

7. Jack Willis 9/10

Once again, the Englishman was colossal. Author – among other things – of an enormous crossing at the 18ebut also a superb contest at 35e., and in the end 15 curses for 67 meters covered. Colossal.. His forward pass on reception of a return (8e) weighs very little in the balance. Symbolically replaced by Mauvaka at 78e.

6. François Cros 7/10

If we had to remember only one image of him, it would be his tremendous support on Willis at the 20ewhich clearly demonstrates the player’s state of mind, 200% focused on the team. A constant poison for the UBB in the rucks and in defense, where he accumulated no less than 12 tackles for no missed ones, a team record.

5. Thibaud Flament 8/10

In the absence of Meafou, he took on the obscure tasks without flinching, whether in the scrum, on the sidelines or in the mauls of which he was the cornerstone. Totally against use, without that preventing him from shining on his strong point of movement, as on this play at the foot of Dupont which he recovers (53e).

4. Richie Arnold 5/10

As in the semi-final, he was scrutinized on his discipline, but did not give any grain to grind to the refereeing body. Rather discreet, but valuable in touch, as well as in the ground game by his work of attrition and his support game. Substituted by Joshua Brennan during the hour of play, who brought his passion and energy.

3. Dorian Aldegheri 5,5/10

He was there to hold the house in melee, nothing more, nothing less. And as usual, “Doudou” did not fail in his task, taking on his share of the work until the 55th minute. Replaced by Joel Merklersanctioned twice in scrum but who assumed his share of the work in all other sectors of the game.

2. Peato Mauvaka 8/10

Author of yet another very high level match, started with an important recovery in front of his line from the 1st, and enhanced by a corner try (20e) and more generally of an activity worthy of a third row, a position to which he also returned to finish the match. Decisive on Dupont’s try behind a maul (23e), he commits a foul in a ruck that is too gross to be true (35)e). His only mistake, if we are to consider that he could not have done much better on the test which was refused to him (40e). Replaced by Julien Marchand at 54ewho managed the end of the match as the “daddy” of conquest and even gave himself a try (68th)… and a kicking game!

1. Rodrigue Neti 6/10

Expected to turn the corner for the first start of his career in the final stages, he did his job brilliantly, notably making a valuable buffet save on his opposite number Tameifuna (17e), causing his counterpart to move forward. In the melee, he did not suffer for a moment. Replaced by David to Ainu at 55ewho did his job all the more effectively because he gave himself a try (79e).

Bordeaux-Bègles notes:

15. Romain Buros : 4/10

No good balls to play, he could not find the right position on the rare balls to the feet of Toulouse. He suffered the tackle on the try of Mauvaka (17e). One of the heroes of the semi-final, missed his final but like many Bordeaux residents.

14. Damian Penaud: 4/10

After a timid start to the match, he tried to touch more balls after half an hour of play but was not really able to break through. In defense he suffered against Kinghorn.

13. Nicolas Depoortere: 5 /10

One of the few Bordeaux players to play at about his level. Impassable in defense, he didn’t seem to lack gas. He harangued his partners, tried to fight, but he was too isolated.

12. Yoram Moefana : 4/10

A treat on one of the rare attacks, the French international was not in his element. Feverish and without gas, we did not recognize the one who remains one of the satisfactions of the UBB season.

11. Louis Bielle-Biarrey: 5/10

He puts a good pressure (1e) on the kick-off on Mallia and allows his team to recover the ball. Then clears his camp very well after a defensive sequence (3e). With crumbs, he managed to get rid of the Toulouse defenders and in particular the Argentinian winger. He never managed to get into a position to overflow. Replaced by Uberti (50e)

10. Matthieu Jalibert: 3/10

He seeks to reassure himself at the start and takes no risks, passing the balls quickly. Bad kicking (6e) who stops an offensive action, and results in the first Toulouse try. Discreet if not extinguished the rest of the match, we had the impression that he was playing with the handbrake on, never attacking the line. He takes Chocobarès launched and hurts his left shoulder, but also misses in defense. Abadie puts an end to his ordeal by replacing him (55e).

9. Maxime Lucu: 2/10

A bad choice on a fifty meter restart (15e), the Bordeaux captain tried to play simple but couldn’t manage it well. He plays a penalty quickly before tapping directly into touch… Lancer Toulouse (37e). He finished his match with an interception on Kinghorn’s try (70e).

8. Avoid Tatafu : 4/10

On his first ball, he pierces the Toulouse defense (5e) before being sanctioned for a high tackle with a yellow card (7e). Back on the pitch, he carried the ball less and seemed to have lost all his punch.

7. Mahamadou Diaby : 4/10

He tackled with all his might, but couldn’t move forward on his achievements. A ball escaped from the sideline and no offensive contribution. Replaced by Bochaton (50e)

6. Bastien Vernes-Taillefer: 4/10

A good ball release from closed scrum to his credit but he suffered from the comparison against his opponents even if he finished as best tackler of the defeated. Replaced by Samu (56e)

5. Adam Coleman : 4/10

Big tackles, advances, but he seemed all alone in the front five to compete. A forward on one of the rare attacks of the UBB which had unbalanced the Toulouse defense (46e)

4. Cyril Cazeaux : 3/10

Penalized twice in less than 20 minutes, he seemed to suffer from the comparison. He also dropped balls on contact. Replaced by Douglas (55e).

3. Ben Tameifuna : 2/10

He was supposed to be the beam of the Bordeaux scrum that didn’t suffer even when outnumbered but in the rest of the game… Penalized, lacking rhythm, physically overwhelmed he wasn’t really an asset for his team. So many faults and errors… Replaced by Taufa (47e).

2. Maxime Lamothe: 4/10

Many fouls on the ground, he ended the first period with a bad throw which could have resulted in a second goal from Mauvaka (40e). The fighter never knew or was able to enter the match and bring what usually makes him strong. Replaced by Maynadier (59e)

1. Jefferson Poirot : 4/10

Good defence in the rucks, present in the closed scrum, but guilty of a gross error (13e) which costs three points. Replaced by Boniface (50e).



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