[PHOTOS] Reopening on the Grande Allée: discover the new Maurice

[PHOTOS] Reopening on the Grande Allée: discover the new Maurice
[PHOTOS] Reopening on the Grande Allée: discover the new Maurice

After months of hard work and a lot of money invested, the Maurice is coming back to life on the Grande Allée. From 4 p.m. Friday, the first customers of the restaurant-bar will be able to enjoy the completely renovated premises while enjoying their favorite cocktail.

Among the co-owners, we find in particular Pierre-Olivier Gingras and Yanick Parent who can be seen in the photo.

Diane Tremblay

A new page of history is being written for Maurice, whose nightclub, which has already hosted celebrities like Mick Jagger, David Copperfield and Raymond Bourque, has been transformed into a hotel complex.

The new Maurice on the Grande Allée in Quebec

Photo Elisa Cloutier

The new Maurice on the Grande Allée in Quebec

Photo Elisa Cloutier

The new Maurice on the Grande Allée in Quebec

Photo Elisa Cloutier

“The goal of this first evening is to make everyone happy,” declared Yanick Parent, co-owner who contained his nervousness very well just a few hours before the opening. In the kitchen, we were still refining the menu to make a few changes.

This opening comes just in time for the start of the Quebec Summer Festival, which will kick off on July 4.

The premises have been completely transformed. Walls and ceilings were demolished to make way for 24 hotel rooms.

Diane Tremblay

The new Maurice on the Grande Allée in Quebec

Photo Elisa Cloutier

A guaranteed Wow!

The premises have been completely transformed. Walls and ceilings were demolished to make way for 24 hotel rooms whose design harmonizes perfectly with the exterior envelope of the building. The hotel, which has been running for ten days, will open its doors on 1is July officially. The Maurice complex will allow the creation of 80 jobs.

A new page of history is being written for the Le Maurice complex, whose nightclub has been transformed into a hotel, after significant investments. There is also a restaurant-bar and soon the Cigar Society as well as a clandestine bar.

Diane Tremblay

An immortal name

From the very beginning of the nightclub, the place was named Le Maurice in honour of the former premier of Quebec, Maurice Duplessis. This is where the Renaissance club, which was the headquarters of the Union nationale, used to be located, was once located. According to legend, the Manoir Price, as it was known at the time, was haunted by the ghost of Charlotte, Duplessis’ supposed mistress. However, with all the recent renovation work that has been done, we can assume that she has found a quieter place to take up residence.

Behind the bar, employees were busy putting things in place a few hours before opening. From left to right: Julien Makombe, Guillaume Lachance, Nicolas St-Jean, Anaël Bédard, Stéphanie Langlois and Rachelle Dutil.

Diane Tremblay

The new Maurice on the Grande Allée in Quebec

Photo Elisa Cloutier

The new Maurice on the Grande Allée in Quebec

Photo Elisa Cloutier

A date to remember

June 28, 2024 will go down in the annals of Maurice as a new page in history. The place had been closed for two years. “We redid the interior and exterior of the building. The brick was worn. The roof also needed to be redone. When we were going to undertake work like this, we wanted it to be done well,” said Mr. Parent. The complex will host the Société cigare, which will rise from its ashes in about ten days, as well as a speakeasy, Le Charlotte, which will be ready next September.

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