Young concrete artists rewarded at the 2024 CFA competition

Young concrete artists rewarded at the 2024 CFA competition
Young concrete artists rewarded at the 2024 CFA competition

These projects are made of concrete! This Friday, June 28, EQIOM renewed its competition in partnership with regional apprentice training centers (CFA) and rural family homes (MFR) for a 7th edition. This event…

These projects are made of concrete! This Friday, June 28, EQIOM renewed its competition in partnership with regional apprentice training centers (CFA) and rural family homes (MFR) for a 7th edition. This event promotes the know-how of young apprentices in the Building and Public Works (BTP) sector. “The students present their end-of-study projects,” explains Marc Gerony Candau, Cement Market Manager at EQIOM.

In the premises of the EQIOM company, around twenty young people were present. They are students in four regional establishments located in Vendée, Pays de la Loire and Brittany. They presented their different projects in the morning before the awards ceremony at 2:30 p.m.

In groups of three, they had to design a concrete structure. Sam, Roland and Samuel are students at the CFA of Saint-Herblain in Vendée with a professional mason certificate. For them, the project started in March. “We came up with ideas, then we started the plans and drawings. » A design with this year’s theme as a common thread: the regions of France. A theme that inspired a lot. “We thought about regional specialties and designed rotating buffets,” explains Sam.

These concrete works must respect certain standards. For example, the students had to use very few exterior elements such as paint. A raw work that they had to present orally during the morning. “They tell the story of their project, an anecdote. Often, these masonry students do something poetic for us.”

Sam displays the rotating concrete sideboard designed by him and his comrades.

Romuald Augé

Two distinguished works

The two most beautiful apprentice team concrete works received two distinctions. The winner in the Professional Baccalaureate (BP) category is awarded to the students of the MFR of Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie with “Carte de France”. For the Professional Certificate category, the winners come from the CFA of Saint-Brévin with “The mixed tree, cradle of the Pays de la Loire”. The jury was made up of professionals from the sector.



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