facing Yaël Braun-Pivet, Joëlle Dago-Serry in tears in “Les Grandes Gueules”

facing Yaël Braun-Pivet, Joëlle Dago-Serry in tears in “Les Grandes Gueules”
facing Yaël Braun-Pivet, Joëlle Dago-Serry in tears in “Les Grandes Gueules”
X RMC The Big Mouths Joelle Dago-Serry bursts into tears in front of Yael Braun Pivet on RMC on June 28

X RMC Les Grandes Gueules

Joelle Dago-Serry bursts into tears in front of Yael Braun Pivet on RMC on June 28

MEDIA – She could not contain her emotion. Yaël Braun-Pivet was the guest of the show The Big Mouths this Friday June 28 on RMC, to comment on the current political crisis, and the legislative elections so the first round takes place this Sunday. On the set of RMC Story, columnist Joëlle Dago-Serry spoke in tears to the outgoing president of the National Assembly.

When it was time to take the floor to intervene as she regularly does on the daily RMC show, Joëlle Dago-Serry collapsed. After mentioning his feeling of being ” forced to vote ” she spoke of her dismay. ” As a person, I don’t know which country I belong to anymore. I almost feel stateless, because I think, ‘Am I French?’ It’s really complicated. »

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Letting her tears flow, she then explained her emotion. “ I’ve been holding back for 3 hours because I tell myself that I don’t even know why I’m here. I comment on a policy, as if I were an analyst, but I am a citizen, I voted. » Then to repeatedly ask the same question, demanding an answer: “ What have you done with France? »

Yaël Braun-Pivet’s response

Visibly embarrassed, Yaël Braun-Pivet wanted to respond to Joëlle Dago-Serry: It is very difficult to answer you already humanly and personally, because your emotion is the one that many of us feel: this worry, this absolute dismay. »

Then, she mentioned the rise of the RN, trying to defend that it was not the work of the current majority. “ Unfortunately this far-right movement was born before us. And we see it being deployed in a certain number of countries around us. It is a fundamental movement where nationalizations are re-emerging and where we advocate the disunity of society and the sorting of people according to their origins. said Yaël Braun-Pivet, before discussing her personal journey and mentioning her family history, explaining that she too is from an immigrant background.

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As for the accusations made by the radio host on the “responsibility” of the government in the current crisis, Yaël Braun-Pivet tempers “ You are right to be worried. We have our share of responsibility. We are all responsible to some extent. »

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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