It’s not just “three blocks”, here are the other options

It’s not just “three blocks”, here are the other options
It’s not just “three blocks”, here are the other options

Tsunami express. Faced, like the local HQs of political parties, with the crazy calendar caused by the dissolution, the editorial staff of If Saint-Etienne will not be able to be as exhaustive as in 2022, a year with a double electoral deadline. Nevertheless, our site has tried to contact, as far as possible, as many formations as possible in order to understand their strategy, their presence throughout the department and their proposals by 1is tour this Sunday.

In this fifth part, we bring together the formations/parties/candidates, extreme or not, which are neither from the Popular Front, nor from the RN, nor from the “presidential camp”, otherwise LR anti-Ciottist tendency to which we have each already devoted an article at the departmental level.

By Xavier Alix and Julie Tadduni

Illustration image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Like the RN, they too were immediately ready. Unlike the United Left, the “presidential camp” or the LR, an overview of the Lutte Ouvrière (LO) candidates in the Loire was very quickly sent to local editorial offices following the dissolution. Despite their 0.98% at the departmental level in 2022, the representatives of the revolutionary Trotskyist party are still not discouraged, rather encouraged, they say, by the street soap opera on pensions: they will once again be present in each of the six constituencies of the Loire. Only the New Popular Front and the RN can say as much. With always this assumed desire to promote via a ballot the need for an “awareness” that power must be taken via the Revolution, not by the ballot box…

Which does not prevent a program of immediate measures in the event of an election: “Index all income – salaries, pensions, benefits – to the cost of living, month by month, week by week if necessary and set the minimum wage at €2,000 net, the absolute minimum. Even with lower rents in the Loire, it is impossible to live decently below this sum”proclaims Romain Brossard, Saint-Etienne mathematics teacher, 47 years old and main party figure in the department, himself a new candidate in the 1time constituency. Second angle of attack: “Fight against the war that is coming, or rather spreading, since it is already present everywhere in the world. The capitalist system which holds the imperialism of the great powers condemns Humanity to 3e World War, we must stop it. If you want peace, prepare the Revolution, they say in LO. There is no question of dying for the profit of bankers and large industrialists who have the reality of power. »

Immigration as a hobby horse

The conquest of power takes on the appearance of a reconquest in the eyes of the eponymous party, 4.46% of the Loire votes – 10,840 votes – in 2022 (5.47% for Europeans). Two days after June 9, the French believed they were witnessing an alliance between the party and the RN. Until Marion Maréchal publicly announced her support for the RN / Ciotti bloc. In the Loire, Yvan Guy-Mercier, representative of Reconquête and also candidate in the 6e constituency, also believed in this alliance. “ Everyone was for the union of the rights. Eric Zemmour got down on one knee to do it but it is not in the political interest. The truth is that there is less difference between an LR, an RN and a Reconquest than between the NPA and the republican socialists. Coming from the business world, the candidate works in refrigeration export. He lived five years in Poland and will be one of the two representatives of the party in the Loire, with Robert Lachaud, in the 5e. He worked mainly abroad, in construction. For Yvan Guy-Mercier, the main measure of Reconquête is its migration policy.

« Immigration, civilizational change, the feeling of suffocation of the French, who are very far from being racist, but who are under significant stress. We know that there are obvious problems in the neighborhoods, we were told for years that this was an illusion, that we were racist. The great replacement is a fact, customs are imposed on us that are not ours. This subject is the main focus of Reconquest because it is the most urgent. In Saint-Etienne, the population is no longer the same at all and people have seen it on a lifetime scale. Today it’s like treating rust with a lick of paint. It’s time to have responsible people in power, and it’s not extreme to realize that. » However, the candidate does not plan to exceed 3% and will support a right-wing candidate in the second round, without necessarily thinking about the RN, specifying that he feels closer to Jean-Pierre Taite on economic subjects.

Personally, he would like to see a measure come to fruition: “ Today, paying someone €100 costs a company €200. We can continue this system, but in return for a 20% reduction in charges, which will be paid back to employees. This will lead to an increase in purchasing power, we are not changing the minimum social benefits or the unemployment rules, but there will be a real gap between those who work and those who do not work.

Professions of foi

Apart from this strong presence at both extremes, other candidacies are added depending on the constituencies, although almost half as many as in 2022. This state site provides access to the online “professions of faith” of each candidate, when they have been filed. We put a link to the name of the candidates in question when this filing had been made at the time of publication. Which is not the case for these three candidates (Nathalie Douspis in the 2eFlorence Nayme in the 5e Sandra Haury in the 6e) of common obedience, seeming to be able to be designated as “various ecologists”. Their names appeared in fact in the European elections via the “La Ruche citoyenne”. For the Legislative elections, they were initially stamped “The Ecologists” the day after the drawing of lots for the order of presentation of the candidates of the Loire to the prefecture, to the great displeasure of the green component of the New Popular Front EELV which is in the process of becoming “The Ecologists” (a request for rectification had been sent to the editorial staff).

In the 1time constituency (Saint-Etienne), Xavier Kemlin, heir among others of the Guichard family, will be there after having done everything to denounce the terrible errors, he points out, of the management of Casino by Naouri and the conditions of the sale of the group and its consequences as well as the new owners. Accustomed to going to court, he himself was summoned by ASSE and Saint-Etienne Métropole for his poster which places his person with the stands of the Geoffroy-Guichard stadium behind him… The candidate seems to adopt, if we understand correctly, a straight pro-Ciottist line, presented as the “Rally of the Right and Republicans” putting the package on the Casino case and systematically vilifying the outgoing deputy Renaissance Quentin Bataillon about this file. In the 1time again, let us note the candidacy of François Chord, hospital engineer and on the list for the last European elections of the Rural Alliance movement led by Jean Lassalle.

Two centrists in “la 2”

In the 2e constituency (Saint-Etienne), two “centrist candidates” to report. “Center right”, specifies Martial Mossmann in a press release that we received on June 17 under the cover of the “Centrist Alliance” party. This 33-year-old native of Saint-Etienne hopes to contribute to the end of « 40 ans » of “same soup”, “so much so that our political leaders have become out of touch” and therefore the need for ” new Vision “of a « leadership fort ». Also claiming to be a centrist but without giving any leanings, Quentin Fontvieille, already there in 2017, is also running in the 2e : “Without being affiliated with a political party, we are simply two citizens (his deputy is Gaël Bogdan) having deeply anchored in them the values ​​common to Christians, Jews, Muslims and all those who share them: justice for all, freedom of citizens, preservation of family values, consideration of human dignity in all its dimensions. (…) We call for national harmony. » In a YouTube video, Quentin Fontvieille denounces the impossibility of having been able to send his profession of faith in paper version due to a question of slightly exceeded weight.

From one extreme to the other

In the 3e (Gier / East Stéphnaois) Rachid Daoud, business leader in transport, industrial tribunal advisor and CPAM administrator, presented by some of our colleagues as a miscellaneous left-wing tendency, intends “put an end to this democratic masquerade”. Aged 55, he is officially a candidate without a label claiming his independence. In the 5e (Roannais), Yann Esteveny, is another candidate that we can, firstplace on the extreme right of the chessboard since representing “Civitas” in 2022 (0.5% obtained), a Catholic fundamentalist movement which became a party officially dissolved in France in mid-2023. But the Sacré Coeur nevertheless remains out in Roannais if we are to believe the networks via posters and the motto “God, Fatherland, Family”… Finally, in the 6e Norbert Trichard is a candidate for the Workers’ Party (considered as various extreme left) criticizing primarily RN / Ciottistes and Emmanuel Macron but also the future inability of the New Popular Front to act effectively in the event of cohabitation with the President, judging that financial and military aid to Ukraine must cease in the name of peace.

These “other options” summarized

1time constituency (Saint-Etienne)

  • Xavier Kemlin (DVD ? EXTD) with Anne Perrot as substitute
  • Romain Brossard for Lutte Ouvrière (LO) with Thierry Araud as substitute
  • François Chord (Rural Alliance), with Noël Lassale as substitute

2e constituency (Saint-Etienne)

  • Martial Mossmann (Centrist Alliance) with Nathalie Pothée as substitute
  • Sophie Dieterich for Workers’ Struggle (LO) with Hervé Cayuela as substitute
  • Quentin Fontvieille “for the Center” and Gaël Bodgand as substitute
  • Nathalie Douspis (Various ecologists) with Jérôme Raoult as substitute

3e constituency

  • Rachid Daoud, independent candidate, with Jean-Louis Valente as substitute
  • Pauline Husseini for Lutte Ouvrière (LO) with André Moulin as substitute

4e constituency

  • Nora Ibbari for Lutte Ouvrière (LO) with Louis Duvivier as substitute

5e constituency

  • Florence Nayme (Various ecologists) with Roger Mir as substitute
  • Edith Roche for Workers’ Struggle (LO) with Alain Vivier as substitute
  • Robert Lachaud for Reconquest with Fabien Villard as substitute
  • Yann Esteveny, independent candidate (EXTD), with Annick Bonnet as substitute

6e constituency

  • Norbert Trichard (Workers’ Party) with Jacqueline Marucuccilli as substitute
  • Sandra Haury (Various ecologists) with Sylvain Rocle as substitute
  • Yves Petiot for Lutte Ouvrière (LO) with Gaëtan Vaumourin as substitute
  • Yvan Guy-Mercier for Reconquest with Renée Barbier as substitute


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