Solar panels, market garden… in Essonne, this town receives a nice check to finance its projects

Solar panels, market garden… in Essonne, this town receives a nice check to finance its projects
Solar panels, market garden… in Essonne, this town receives a nice check to finance its projects


Editorial Essonne

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 1:33 p.m.

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A grant of an exceptional amount. On Friday June 21, 2024, the town of Palaiseau received a check of 2 660 318 € on the part of Department from Essonne as part of a contract known as “Terre d’Avenirs”. The sum must be used to finance three major projects in favor of the energy and food transition.

“This contract gives us the opportunity to accelerate the completion of crucial projects for Palaiseau in terms of education and environmental transition,” he emphasizes in a press release. Gregory of Lasteyriethe mayor of Palaiseau.

A completely renovated school and leisure center

Thanks to this grant, the city will be able to carry out the renovation of the Joliot-Curie elementary school and its leisure center.

This project, with a total cost of almost 8 million euros is the largest school rehabilitation project ever carried out in Palaiseau.

The renovated Joliot-Curie schooldue to open from the start of the 2025 school year. She will be “an example in
matters of ecology and energy consumption,” hopes the municipality.

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It must be said that the work should allow a reduction of energy consumption by more than 60%.

Above all, the school will produce in fine more electricity daily than it will consumewhile providing students with the best possible learning conditions.

Solar panels installed on the roof of the municipal technical center

The city’s other flagship project consisted of the renovation of the roof of the municipal technical center and the installation of photovoltaic panels on it.

By the end of the year, these are 600 m² of panels which will be installed on this roof, in parallel with a solar concentrator which will be placed on the roof of the Lozère nursery.

“Projects which, taken end to end, could help us to significantly reduce the city’s energy consumption, at a time of exploding energy prices,” the municipality wants to believe.

A municipal market garden

Finally, the grant allocated by the Department will also serve the creation of a municipal market garden the first harvest of which will take place in a few months.

Named “Ferme des Marnières”, it will provide part of the schools in the
City of fruits and vegetables, to introduce children to food resilience and allow Palaisiens to consume locally.

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