The economic news of the week in Mérignac

The economic news of the week in Mérignac
The economic news of the week in Mérignac

Two companies, already established in Mérignac, have just relocated their offices there.
First of all, the real estate management firm Cabinet Gallien, which was located on rue Gutenberg in Mérignac and rue du Palais Gallien in Bordeaux, has just rented 775 m² to bring together its teams and transfer its head office to the Kennedy building, located on avenue du président Kennedy.

Konica-Minolta, which was located on Avenue Pythagore in the Parc de Pelus, has just rented a 580 m² space, previously occupied by Natixis, in the Ferry, an office building designed by Hubert Saladin, built by Orexim in 2017 and bought by the French company REM in 2019.

Twenty-five and 50 jobs are respectively affected by these transactions. The extension of the airport tram played a major role in the decision to relocate these two companies.

The first transaction was carried out by NCT ​​and the second by NCT ​​and BNP Paribas Real Estate inter-firm.

Record attendance for the sixth edition of Tech’day

For its sixth edition organized on Thursday June 27 at the Hôtel de Métropole (esplanade Charles-de-Gaulle in Bordeaux), Bordeaux Tech’day broke new records with nearly 600 participants and 78 exhibiting start-ups, distributed this year in four categories (industry, environment, decarbonization, energy, city of tomorrow (mobility, health, digital), agri-agrotech and wine) and 2 premium stands, Keolis and Bordeaux Métropole.

Participation was notably marked by the presence of all categories of the “Technowest ecosystem”: entrepreneurs, investors, large groups, institutions, incubators and accelerators, research players, SMEs-SMIs, schools, etc. In the “large groups” category, this edition saw new partners join the “Jonction” program (Renault, Dalkia, La Poste, CEA, etc.).

The program was finally marked by the launch of the call for projects for the new Inno Garonne site in Bassens and a focus on the TBMouv initiative launched by Keolis BM. The Tech’day then concluded with the Fund Connect, a speed meeting event between the start-ups supported by the technology park and 25 investors (investment funds and business angels).

BORDEAUX TECH’DAY, JUNE 27 – Bordeaux Technowest

On your calendars: July 10, the Maison des associations offers an economic focus on the reconstruction of Ukraine

Alla Poèdie, an expert in geopolitics, particularly in the post-Soviet world, an editorialist for the LCI channel and, above all, the founding president of the Franco-Ukrainian business club, will host a conference on the political, military and, above all, economic situation in Ukraine on Tuesday, July 10 at the Maison des associations (55, avenue du Maréchal-de-Lattre-de-Tassigny), starting at 7 p.m.

Ukraine today covers a little over 600,000 km² (550,000 km² for France) and has nearly 35 million inhabitants. The country seems to have all the fundamentals to become a central economy in Eastern Europe: fertile agricultural land, a developed industrial base, a well-trained workforce and a very good education system.

Ukraine’s needs are considerable in terms of infrastructure, buildings, financing, security (and in particular cybersecurity), etc. The conference will provide an opportunity to take stock of the situation, but above all to discuss the economic prospects linked to reconstruction once the conflict is over.

The conference will be followed by a cocktail in the city hall lounges (from 8:30 p.m.).

Community center: 55, avenue du Maréchal-de-Lattre-de-Tassigny – Tram Pin Galant

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