2024 Olympic Games. The Olympic torch visible at Vannes town hall

2024 Olympic Games. The Olympic torch visible at Vannes town hall
2024 Olympic Games. The Olympic torch visible at Vannes town hall

On June 6, 2024, Vannes (Morbihan) was the stopover town for the passage of the Olympic torch with the lighting of the cauldron at the marina. An incredible popular success since between 30,000 and 40,000 people were counted on the 7 km route in the city.

The public can now come to the town hall to discover in the hall one of the torches that was used for this torch relay. Indeed, the organizing committee of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games is giving each stopover city, as well as the Department, which is financing the event, one of the 1.5 kg and 70 cm high flames.

For its part, the torch of the departmental council is touring Morbihan, in colleges (800 college students affected), at the La Gacilly Photo Festival, in various events such as Grégam’pique in Grand-Champ, in the road centers of Department… “It was the president’s desire to share the spirit of the games through the torch”the Department said.

The flame is accompanied by a photocall, as well as an exhibition dedicated to the Olympic Games. Note that the “active slab”, where the cauldron was installed in Vannes, was also left as a legacy and will be reused in Lorient, on August 25, for the Paralympic torch relay.



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