Marignane: a delivery man undergoes emergency surgery after being bitten in the crotch by a customer’s dog

Marignane: a delivery man undergoes emergency surgery after being bitten in the crotch by a customer’s dog
Marignane: a delivery man undergoes emergency surgery after being bitten in the crotch by a customer’s dog

When he jumped out of his truck to deliver a package to the third customer on his round, Adel immediately sensed the dog’s agitation behind the gate. Without seeing it, the delivery man heard it barking furiously and jumping repeatedly against the metal doors.Usually, when clients have dogs that are upset and can be aggressive, they will hold out their arms for me to pass the package over the gate.“. Not this time.

On Wednesday, it was 11:40 a.m. and Adel was only the third customer on a tour of 122, destined to end around 7 p.m., when the dog’s owner opened the gate wide. “The dog jumped on me straight away and attacked me in the crotch.

Bitten in the testicles, Adel screamed and tried to free himself from the Malinois shepherd’s fangs. “He wouldn’t let go. It was horrible. I had to struggle.“When this 28-year-old delivery man managed to escape the mastiff, he ran to lock himself in his truck, shouting to the customer to call for help, before discovering, once he was safe in the passenger compartment of his van, that his trousers were”bloody“.

It is ultimately Adel himself who will dial 18, groaning in pain, but without abandoning his professional conscience, since his second call will be to his boss, a subcontractor of the service provider Globe Express, working himself for Amazon. “I warned him to send a relief delivery man to pick up the truck and finish the round.“In tears, the victim was taken care of a few minutes later by the firefighters, heading to the Timone emergency room.

Deep bites

There, in addition to the hemorrhage, the medical team does not hide its concern: the bites are deep, the bacteria from the fangs of a dog risk causing an infection. Less than five hours after the attack he has just suffered, the delivery man finds himself on the operating table.At one point I heard surgeons say, ‘If you have to remove it, you remove it.’“, the young man still shudders. Finally, the doctors saved his testicle and Adel was able to leave Timone yesterday afternoon, with a prescription as long as his arm, containing antibiotics and painkillers. A nurse will come to his house , in the northern districts where his father brought him back after leaving the hospital, to provide him with care for 21 days off work at least until July 7, the deliveryman will file a complaint against the owner of the store. dog in the coming days.

Through its president, Hervé Street from Marseille, the Association for the Defense of Subcontractors and Delivery Drivers of Transport France (ADSTTF) immediately made known its support for the victim, but also its concern: “The aggression that Adel suffered is unfortunately not an isolated incident. This type of incident is on the rise and is in addition to verbal and physical aggression from some customers and motorists. Customers should not ignore the possibility of an attack on their pet and take more precautions.“.



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