One year after the riots in Amiens, an update on the reconstruction of the burned buildings

One year after the riots in Amiens, an update on the reconstruction of the burned buildings
One year after the riots in Amiens, an update on the reconstruction of the burned buildings

At the end of June 2023, riots broke out in several cities in France, notably in Amiens, in the Nord and Étouvie districts, in reaction to the death of young Nahel, killed by a police officer in Nanterre. A year later, some structures have managed to rise from their ashes, such as the Synpase 3i association and the Colvert tobacco shop.

On June 27, 2023, Nahel, 17, was killed in Nanterre by a police officer after refusing to comply. A scene filmed and widely shared on social networks. The suspect was indicted for voluntary manslaughter. A year later, the investigation is still ongoing. His mother calls for a march “against police impunity” Saturday June 29, 2024 in Nanterre.

The few days following the young man’s death saw intense riots break out in several cities. In Amiens, this violence was mainly concentrated in the North and Étouvie districts. Among the buildings affected are the town hall in the Nord Atrium sector, the L’Odyssée youth activity center, part of the Nautilus swimming pool, but also the future west media library, an important project for the Étouvie district, including part of the roof completely burned.

Schools in Amiens were also targeted, such as the Jacques Prévert school in the southeast district and the Michel-Ange kindergarten in the Saint-Ladre district, part of the roof of which was destroyed. At the time, insurance companies estimated the total cost of the damage at 6 million euros.

Among the targets of these riots, the premises of the Synpase 3i professional integration center, located southeast of Amiens, had been destroyed by a fire. The association bounced back in record time. At the beginning of August, it found new premises, in Amiens Nord. In total, Synapse 3i received more than 1.6 million euros in aid, including 1.2 million from its insurance. The rest was financed by the State, the Somme department, and Amiens Métropole.

The Synapse 3i integration center burned down on the night of June 29, during the urban riots following the death of Nahel, killed by a police officer in Nanterre.


A valuable aid, for which Jean-Pierre Motte, the director of the association, is grateful. The various financial aids “allowed us to have advances to rebuild and […] maintain the salaries and the functioning of the association“, supports the director. Jean-Pierre Motte also underlines “strength” et “resilience” employees of Synapse 3i, who helped enable the inauguration of the new premises just five months after the fire.

We have restarted. We have more than 110 employees on subsidized income who come to work every day within the association.

Jean-Pierre Motte, director of the Synpase 3i association

Nihad El Guili, technical assistant in sewing, confides “a lot” enjoy these new premises. “We have a big space, it’s not like before. We’re actually together.“The old premises had 1200 m². Today, the workshops cover 2000 m².

The Synpase 3i professional integration center was set up in the former premises of Lee Cooper in Amiens Nord, after the fire which ravaged its premises located in the south-east of the city in June 2024.


A year ago, I was in a desperate, jaded state of mind, you could say it because we didn’t understand the situation or why it had happened to us.“, remembers Emmanuel Crinon, technical supervisor at the carpentry workshop. Since then, all the burned machines, necessary for the proper functioning of the various workshops, have been bought back.

A year later, everything is rebuilt. The carpentry workshop is operational and everything is going well.

Emmanuel Crinon, technical supervisor at the Synapse 3i carpentry workshop

In the premises, well-being and good humor are back, even if some employees now travel further to come.Before, I lived next to the first Synapse, I came on foot. But now, I come with my car, but it’s okay, it’s not far for me“, observes Fatma Fadel, technical assistant in sewing, with a smile. These premises, originally temporary, will undoubtedly become permanent for employees.

In Étouvie, a year ago, the boxing hall was also completely destroyed by fire. A shocking event for the regulars of the place, which has been part of the neighborhood landscape for 30 years.It was like my second home“, confides Maële Traoré, 16 years old, double French champion of French boxing and member of the club.

Maële Traoré, 16, double French boxing champion and member of the Étouvie boxing club, in the gymnasium which temporarily houses the club in Étouvie.


Since September, boxers have been training in the gymnasium adjoining the old boxing hall. But the club went from 622 to 230 members. “It scared some parents. People in Amiens think that there is no longer a French boxing gym in Étouvie even though we have a gym, we continue to shoot every day. Obviously, the room is a little smaller, we can accommodate fewer people, but the DNA has not changed“, assures Mohammed Oudji, the founder of the club, who is delighted with the “very good results” of his boxers.

The boxing hall in Etouvie reduced to ashes.

© Elise Ramirez / FTV

We miss the roomhe confides. But for me, the most important thing was to keep the technical staff within the club, to maintain the trust that the parents have in the association and the club’s leaders because we are a family in the broadest sense.

The club is now in negotiations with Amiens Métropole. A meeting took place in early June.

They guaranteed us the construction of the hall at the end of 2025 or the beginning of 2026, not far from the town hall annex, in a small activity zone which is close to the Étouvie district.

Mohammed Oudji, founder of the French boxing club of Étouvie

Until then, the French boxing club will continue to operate in the current gymnasium.

In Amiens Nord, the Colvert district still bears the scars of the riots. The tarmac on Avenue de la Paix is ​​still blackened in places, where buses and cars had burned along the sidewalks. Businesses and businesses were also affected.

On the night of June 28 to 29, 2023, the Colvert tobacco shop was looted and then set on fire. “Young people from the neighborhood had warned us. We knew our business was targeted by the rioters“, confided Agnès and Laurent Le Saint, owners of the tobacconist’s shop, a year later.

A year later, on Saturday, June 29, 2024, they will reopen their store after several months of administrative procedures and work. Everything has been rearranged, with new materials.

We are happy to welcome back our customers in the coming days.

Agnès and Laurent Le Saint, owners of Colvert tobacco

And we also need to get back into an activity, a year is still a very long time. Activities are limited“, adds Laurent Le Saint.

The Colvert tobacco shop will reopen on Saturday, June 29, 2024, after a year of closure.


Nevertheless, the episode left its mark. Agnès Le Saint admits: “There is some apprehension in the current context with the legislative elections. Depending on the results, we fear that there will be new riots. “.

A concern shared by Jean-Christophe Loric, the deputy mayor of Amiens delegated to the northern sector since 2020.People are tense at the moment with the political context. We are not safe from it happening again.“Since the riots last summer, the town hall assures that it has put in place”more security in public buildings with “curtains and anti-water hammer devices“.

With Gaëlle Fauquembergue, Lucie Caillieret / FTV



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