“Movements”, a living theme

“Movements”, a living theme
“Movements”, a living theme

The annual exhibition of the Arteria association, always awaited by fans of the genre, takes place at the cultural space of Châtillon-sur-Loire this Saturday and until July 27.

Twenty-eight exhibitors will be gathered: members of the Châtillon entity and guests in painting, sculpture, drawing, engraving or photography. “Overall, we arrive at a total of 80 works, plus the work of our friends from the Peintres du Printemps.”

The theme chosen this year is “Movements”. “A broader proposal that can lead to significant reflection”, explains Daniel Girard, president of Arteria. A theme determined in the last quarter of the year preceding the exhibition, “in order to give artists time to express themselves. With the Olympic Games, we started with gesture, movement. Our reflection was refined and we decided on “Movements”, which is intended to be the artistic movement, in a wide range of possibilities, and the political movement, with the notions of feminism, pacifism, ecology… We still have the project of opening up reflection and leading artists to broad creativity”, adds Daniel Girard. Who himself is already on the move, to prepare the theme of the 2025 exhibition.

Practical. Annual Arteria exhibition, at the cultural space of Châtillon-sur-Loire until Saturday July 27. Visible from Tuesday to Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., except public holidays. FREE ENTRANCE.



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