“She’s almost in the garden.”

“She’s almost in the garden.”
“She’s almost in the garden.”

While Free plans to build a 5G antenna near the Grande rue in Villers-sur-Thère, a hamlet of Allonne, in Oise, local residents are opposed to this idea given its location in the center of the village.

If installing a relay antenna is a project that lasts 18 to 24 monthsan information file has arrived in Allonne town hall at the end of May for a new relay antenna from the Free operator: “The project consists of installing six antennas on the 30 m lattice pylon, located on “Le champs du moulin”, Grande rue.”

The submission of planning authorizations must be done in June before work is scheduled to begin in August. “After construction of the site and installation of energy and transmission, the technical insertion of the site into the network can be undertaken”it is specified in the information file. The commissioning is then estimated for october.

From 3G to 5G

The one planned in Allonne, in the hamlet of Villers-sur-Thèrewill allow to emit “on the frequency bands 700 / 900 / 1800 / 2100 / 2600 / 3500 MHz to contribute to the coverage of the municipality in 3G, 4G and 5G”.

According to the Ministry of the Economy, 5G makes it possible to offer a connection in Very high speed and consumes less energy than previous technologies.

A petition with 600 signatures in just over a week

Except that the problem is that this relay antenna is set back from the Grande Rue, in Villers-sur-Thère. “It’s right in the center of the village, exclaim residents opposed to this installation. We know very well that we have to evolve with new technologies and we are not against it, but not here.”

While we talk, three trains pass, not counting the cars and school buses or even the young people of the village who go back and forth between their houses and the brand new playground set up in the park.

“On Saturday, June 15, there was also the school fair”, slip Marie and Émilie. If we tell you about this playground, it’s because it is located approximately 80 m from the future antenna-
relay versus 110 m compared to daycare
… and even 15 m from the first house. “Almost in the garden. It’s absurd!”say the local residents.

“It’s true that it’s surprising at first.”adds Daniel, who knows this place well: the owner of the house has a convention d’occupation of this land dependent on the public domain of the French rail network for temporary use for several years. He therefore cannot “establish fences, shelters or depots with a height greater than one meter above the rail”. Hence their incomprehension for this antenna.

Locals suggest another location

“Especially since we don’t know what effects this can have on health.”adds Michel, who has lived in Allonne since he was little. A few days after learning about this project, local residents launched a petition: in just over 10 days, it has already gathered more than 600 signatures.

According to them, “other solutions are possible, while remaining in the area of ​​implementation desired by the operators and maintaining the use of land belonging to the SNCF”. They cite for example the path to the church : “Which will only have a very slight impact on the visual and village spirit. The base of the antenna being hidden by vegetation and away from the heart of the village and homes.”

Residents also want the mayor to contact the operator as quickly as possible. “At least, compared to Hivory which is considering a 42 m antenna near the Chouvet quarries (the mayors of Therdonne and Allonne have made a summary before the administrative court, the case will be judged on the merits, editor’s note), Free provided honest prior information, insists Patrice Haezebrouck, the mayor of Allonne. I am not opposed to the installation because it is in the general interest but we must take into account the residents.”

He suggests putting it rue de Warluis. Arguments which will be transmitted to Free, who has not responded to us.

Read also: The radar at the exit of Allonne, near Beauvais, once again tagged on the D927



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