Patrice Thien Ah Koon holds his first municipal council

Patrice Thien Ah Koon holds his first municipal council
Patrice Thien Ah Koon holds his first municipal council

36 items on the agenda. Starting with the budget for the 2023 financial year. Patrice Thien Ah Koon, elected mayor on Monday (read in the June 25 edition) to replace his father, begins his term with a mathematical file essential to the functioning of the municipality. He takes over the town hall in a financial situation seen as “comfortable” by the town hall, with gross savings of 24 million euros in 2023. More than in 2022, as is the city’s debt repayment capacity. 43.2 million euros were also recorded last year for capital expenditure, equivalent to the highest point of this budget item since the start of the term four years ago. And this, without resorting to borrowing. In 2022, the amount was 35.5 million.

The council looked at other figures. School catering and its prices were voted on by elected officials. It concerns the 40 nursery and primary schools, private and public. Six central kitchens are used to provide all of the children’s lunches.

Last year, more than 1.3 million meals were served. Per day, some 9,770 schoolchildren benefit from it alongside staff and teachers. A meal cost the municipality 6.05 euros, which only asked families for 98 cents. A participation calculated according to an annual calendar of catering days. For the 2024/2025 school year, the price is constant, set at 135 euros per year for families and 450 euros for supervising professionals.

—— More festive

The municipal council has adopted several programs of municipal events, such as July 14 or the potato festival. This will take place, for its 8th edition, on August 3 and 4 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the Miel Vert site. The municipality has approved the renewal as well as the participation reserved exclusively for planters and farmers who are not part of a cooperative. A mark of support for the smallest of them present in the municipality. Last year, 46 tons of potatoes were sold, demonstrating the importance of this event.

The elected officials also voted to hold the 40th edition of the Florilèges. The event will take place at Parc Jean de Cambiaire, on Place de la Libération and on Rue Hubert-Delisle from October 11 to 20. Miss Ville du Tampon will be elected for the occasion on the first evening.

Lea Delaplace

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